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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire have now received the version 1.2 patch for Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. This should apply to all territories – North America, Europe, and Japan.

The patch can be downloaded from the 3DS eShop. It takes up 271 blocks of space.


Remember this Pokemon?


How about this one?


As it turns out, they’re one in the same. The release of Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire combined with some work done by hackers confirms that Hoopa is featured in the first screenshot above, while the second image is Hoopa’s alternate form.

In the latest issue of Famitsu we see some great new screenshots of both Bravely Second and PoPoloCrois.

With shots of a new area being shown off for Bravely Second and gameplay and character interaction being featured for PoPoloCrois.

Check out the screenshots of the Famitsu scans below:



Square Enix recently teased that a demo for Bravely Second is coming soon. Now we have a specific date.

Over on Bravely Second’s official website, Square Enix confirms that the game’s demo is slated for December 10. We should receive specifics of the trial next week.


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