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General Nintendo

Google is getting things started early with April Fools’ Day! It’s now possible to play a game of Pac-Man by heading on over to Google Maps. You should see an option in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to find an area with enough roads. Also, if you’re unable to see a Pac-Man option, try another browser. I was personally having trouble in Chrome, but everything works perfectly in Firefox!

Based on a new tweet, Curve Digital may have something in store for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct. It could be something extremely small such as being a part of an eShop reel. We really won’t know until after the presentation airs. In any case, here’s the relevant tweet:


Nintendo put up its Japanese page for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct, and it shares some insight into what we should and shouldn’t expect from the presentation.

In terms of what we’ll be hearing about, Nintendo will be discussing titles releasing through the end of summer. That indicates that we’ll be getting updates on Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, Fire Emblem If, and Rhythm Heaven 3DS – at least during the Japanese stream.

Meanwhile, Nintendo UK pushed out an email (see above) to fans a short while ago suggesting that there will be new announcements. That shouldn’t be shocking in any way, but it’s nice to have a confirmation!

Lastly, we know about two things Nintendo will not touch on: NX and mobile. It’s specifically stated on the Japanese Nintendo Direct page that neither of these two items will be mentioned.


Bandai Namco has announced that it will be opening up 17 of its IP to allow creator access to its roster of characters. The “open project” will begin in late April and will allow creators to use specific characters without supervision as long as they agree to a simple project review.

The list of IP included in the program are as follows:

The Tower of Druaga
Battle City
Star Luster
Tower of Babel
Adventure of Valkyrie
Sky Kid
Dragon Buster
Shadow Land
Genpei Toma Den
Wonder Momo
Wagan Land


We’re one step closer to the end of Club Nintendo. Once tomorrow has passed, you won’t be able to earn coins on the website any longer. Make sure to finish up any product registrations you have!

The Gold and Platinum rewards should hopefully be announced later this week. After that, there’s not much to look forward to. Mewtwo DLC is coming sometime this spring (make sure you register Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS before tomorrow ends), and that’s about it! But hey, Club Nintendo had a good run. And we’ll be receiving a new loyalty program down the road.

Nintendo is trying to put the kibosh on the fan-made Super Mario 64 Unity/HD remake. You may have noticed that one site, which previously hosted a playable browser demo, was slapped with a copyright infringement claim.

I suppose one bright spot is that the original remake post is still up and running on the creator’s website. It’s just tough for fan projects to survive when they’re based on content from game-makers!


There are a few amiibo on sale over on Amazon. Toon Link, Bowser, Mario, Zelda, Luigi, and Diddy Kong can be had for $9.74. Each one of these figures are from the Smash Bros. line.

You can visit this page this page to find all of the amiibo on sale on Amazon. This will probably last until the end of the week, or until supply runs out.

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VIZ Media will be distributing the Yo-Kai Watch anime in Europe, the company announced today. Specific details were not shared, but we’ll be hearing more “soon”.

VIZ Media wrote on Twitter:

Of course, the big piece of the Yo-Kai Watch puzzle we’re missing is a localization announcement for the games. Hopefully that will happen soon!


I had a set plan in place for this week’s Just a Chat, but everything changed when Nintendo announced a delay for Zelda Wii U. That’s the big story for this week’s discussion. Still, Daan and I get around to some other topics as well, including tidbits from Satoru Iwata, Splatoon, and Smash Bros.


Brian’s Twitter
Daan’s Twitter

Tell us about your favorite Nintendo game here!

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It’s been awhile since I last hosted a Discussing Everything session. There’s a reason for that: I’ve been thinking about how to proceed with it going forward. I believe I’ve found somewhat of a solution, though that means ending Discussing Everything to pave the way for something else.

This is where Let’s Talk comes in. I know – it’s another incredibly uncreative name for one of our features. Despite that, I’m hoping that we’ll be able to generate some interesting discussions with this new initiative.

The idea behind Let’s Talk is actually very simple. Each week, we’ll have one post dedicated to a particular topic – almost like a forum post. I’ll kick off the discussion in the main post, and then you guys will be able to follow up with your own thoughts in the comments. I’ll be replying to some of the responses, and other staff members may chime in as well. You guys can also respond to each other comments.

Basically, I’m trying to generate focused discussions. I also want Let’s Talk to be a place where everyone can interact with each other in a positive manner!

So why should you participate? Well, for one thing, hopefully you’ll find it entertaining! If you love talking about Nintendo like me, perhaps some of the topics we bring up will interest you. We’ll also be selecting at least one response per week that will be highlighted in the following week’s post.
With that out of the way, let’s move on to this week’s topic!

Let’s Talk #1: what is your favorite Nintendo game?

Note: we’re opening things up, so this can be any game made for any Nintendo system.

I’ll get things started. This answer tends to change for me occasionally. Sometimes I feel like I’d go with games like Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Xenoblade. But when it comes down to it, I’d have to choose The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Ocarina of Time is really what jump-started my interest in gaming. For one thing, it was the first console title that I truly owned and completed on my own. I’ll never forget going to Best Buy and picking up my GameCube, which included with a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition (it also came with a CD player – random, right?). Even though it was technically a N64 title, my brain didn’t really know that, and I was very impressed with the graphics at the time. Getting immersed in the world, travelling across Hyrule, and taking on the various dungeons still fills me with plenty of memories. Like many players, it was amazing stepping into Hyrule Field for the first time!

Now it’s your turn. What is YOUR favorite Nintendo game? You can choose to do whatever pleases you with your response. It can be short, long, or anything in between. Whatever! Just go for it. Let’s have a nice discussion and talk about the games we love!

I’ll be checking up on the comments over the next few days. We’ll be featuring one of your responses in next week’s post, which will also include a new topic to talk about!

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