Iwata: Nintendo has more software to announce for this fiscal year
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
The following information comes from the Q&A session of Nintendo’s investors briefing last week…
“We have not announced all the software that are going to be launched within this fiscal year, and will make further relevant announcements in the future, so it is not true that we are limiting the software developments for Wii now.”
This makes perfect sense, and Nintendo will undoubtedly announce some of their upcoming titles at E3. It’s possible that they’ll have random reveals as well later this year similar to how they handled Wii Party.
We’ve basically covered the Q&A portion of Nintendo’s most recent financial report to death and we’ve already posted the most interesting points on the site. However, you can read the complete English transcript right here.
This year’s E3 floor map
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
West Hall
South Hall
Nintendo has a big area to showcase their upcoming games once again. Let’s hope Zelda Wii will be playable!
EA’s E3 2010 lineup
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Madden NFL 11
NHL 11
NBA Live 11
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11
New EA Sports Active
New Sony and Microsoft Motion Control Games
New Harry Potter Game
New Hasbro Titles
Sims 3 On Consoles
Sims 3 PC Expansion Packs
New Need for Speed
Dead Space 2
Medal of Honor
Crysis 2
Star Wars: The Old Republic.
3D title
Suda51/Mikami game about half-complete, will launch next year
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
“[The game was] mad genius horror. [Suda51’s designs were] really, really creative. It absolutely still exists. It has been named, which I can’t reveal yet. But they are still absolutely working on it – they’re probably about halfway through the game. How would I describe it? I mean, if you follow Suda at all, you won’t be surprised to hear it’s mad genius in the horror genre. And hopefully we can continue to build on his reputation such that his games get appreciated by more and more people. I think sometimes when sometimes when someone gets a reputation for developing games that are a little bit out there, the interest in their specific games is smaller than it should be – it gets labelled as ‘niche’. His designs are really, really creative and he thinks differently. In this world of making games we need more people who think differently.” – EA Partners boss David DeMartini
It’s been forever since we’ve heard a peep about the game Suda51/Shinji Mikami are working on. The only thing we know is that it is in the horror genre and that it’s a “multiplatform” title. Hopefully we’ll hear about this project at E3!
Sakamoto: Metroid could return to 2D, explanation for nunchuck-less controls in Other M, more
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 2 Comments
The information below comes from Yoshio Sakamoto, who spoke with Nintendo Power in the magazine’s latest issue…
“It’s certainly possible that in the future we’ll go back to another 2-D Metroid using some of the ideas that have been generated on this Other M project. So please don’t get the idea that this is the end of 2-D Metroid games.”
“There were certainly some members on staff who weren’t entirely comfortable with committing us to a single control scheme, so they would ask questions like, ‘Couldn’t we just make it possible to connect the Nunchuk and have an alternate control scheme in the game?’ But I felt like that was essentially the wrong way to think about it. Like if you have to tack on other options like that, then you really are admitting defeat as a game designer. …I felt like I really needed to prove something about why this was correct for the Samus universe in the first place.”
“We (Nintendo) would set forth a lot of design limitations where we’d say, ‘This is what a Metroid level looks like,’ and set those forward as prescribed ways of doing things for a Metroid game, but these guys (Team Ninja) had all of their own ideas from working on so many 3-D games recently that there was the opportunity for a lot of fermentation between the conflict of our two ideas. During the development process, I was going to Tecmo every single week to play the latest build, and I was shocked by how much the level-design concepts were changing and evolving.”
“I’ve come to think of her (Samus) almost as a daughter. I helped her grow up and I want to take her to as many high places as possible. I want to make sure that when she’s in a game, she always has the chance to look cool and look really beautiful, and also that she has the opportunity to experience new challenges. So her development as a character is really the most important thing to me, and as I mentioned, this is a “serious touch” game. It might sound strange that I have such strong feelings for the heroine of a game, but I hope those feelings aren’t out of place.”
I really, really, really would like to see another 2D Metroid one day. In fact, wouldn’t it be great to see such a title on the 3DS? I know I’d buy it!
Thanks to Robert and Ovelli8l for the tip!
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Iwata Asks details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 3 Comments
The following information comes from an Iwata Asks interview with Shigeru Miyamoto…
– Galaxy 2 (another 3D Mario) gave Miyamoto a similar feeling to Majora’s Mask (another 3D Zelda on the N64)
– Majora’s Mask was going use Ocarina of Time’s 3D framework
– Miyamoto said that it takes a year working on player movements for a new game
– Having spent the year on controls, Miyamoto/Iwata felt it would be wasteful to simply make a few stages and that’s all
– Iwata/Miyamoto noticed that they hadn’t fully taken advantage of the spheres, believed new tricks/gimmicks could make something more interesting, even if an original stage formation was used
– Galaxy 2 initially had same stage formations as the original
– Was called Galaxy 1.5 internally to keep the pressure lower, but the developers thought the game could become more interesting with new stages, which eventually grew to over 90% new levels
– Goal was to make the game in one year (like Majora’s Mask), but the time expanded to 2.5 years; not
having to use a year to refine player movements allowed the team to create new stages and tune
– Hint TVs allow things to be explained, but hardcore gamers can skip over them
– Miyamoto believes this game is more difficult than the first, he shots/slam his table when playing alone late at night (Iwata wants to see this)
– Iwata came up with the DVD for Japan/Europe
– Miyamoto hopes players try the Co-Star mode
– Miyamoto worked on text editing, first time since Mario 64; He enjoyed it, though he thinks it resulted in some trouble for other developers
Thanks to Thomas N and Robert for the tip!
StarTropics TAS video
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 1 Comment
Thanks to Ross M for the tip!
Realistic Metroid art
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Random | 3 Comments
“This is the final reference illustration, rendered with pencils, to be used for the metroid specimen sculpture. It marks the end of many months of work on designing a reinterpretation of the iconic monster into something that could exist in real life.” – Kalapusa, artist
GTTV to have debut trailer for a new game from a classic franchise
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
Check out this blurb from Spike, which reveals the contents of the next GameTrailers TV…
“GTTV goes behind-the-scenes on Marvel’s next big comic book game, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions! Not only do we uncover new details and footage for the game, but we also score an exclusive interview with Stan Lee to talk about the first Marvel MMO! That’s not all, because we debut the opening cinema for Greed Day Rock Band and premiere the first trailer for an upcoming game from a classic franchise you’ll have to see to believe!”
This is the only information that was provided, though Geoff Keighley may tease the game a bit next week. As always, we’ll let you know if this turns out to be Nintendo-related. Nintendo fans should probably tune in for next week’s episode regardless though, as Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and Green Day: Rock Band will be featured.
Cuthbert on X-Scape, possibility of creating another Star Fox
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
First, Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert discussed X-Scape…
“X was a very special game for me. It was the first game I made for Nintendo. Star Fox is very much a Miyamoto group game. X’s themes are a little more adult, a little more science fiction based. It’s a bit of a self challenge, to go back to something you made 20 years ago and going through all the old ideas and trying to remake them with the experience I have now. As a challenge that was more fun for us than doing another Star Fox. It let’s us explore more themes because it’s not a major franchise title.”
Mr. Cuthbert was also asked about the possibility of creating another Star Fox title…
“We’re willing to do any game for Nintendo. It’s up to them.”
X-Scape looks like a really neat game. I’ve actually been looking forward to the title quite a bit since I saw the first trailer. And about Star Fox…I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again – I’d love to see it happen. Now we just need Nintendo to ask Mr. Cuthbert if he’ll do it for them!