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Batman: Arkham Origins senior producer Ben Mattes has confirmed that the Wii U version of the game will offer specific functionality on Wii U. Mattes wouldn’t reveal any specifics, but you can probably expect some carry-over from Arkham City, such as off-TV play and unique GamePad implementation.

“We’re not talking about specific features but we’re encouraging people to imagine. We obviously paid to attention to the Wii U platform and what sort of functionality makes sense for that platform.”

Mattes was also asked about Origins DLC on Wii U. To this, he said that Warner Bros. Montreal is “not yet talking about” DLC and how it relates to different platforms.


Ace Attorney fans have constantly asked Capcom to localize Investigations 2. It’s the series’ only game that never made it out in North America and Europe.

The lack of Ace Attorney Investigations 2’s launch overseas wasn’t related to concerns about sales, apparently. Series producer Motohide Eshiro told Kotaku: “The main reason was just scheduling.”

“The main reason was just scheduling. Also, the staff for Ace Attorney Investigations 2—after they finished developing the game, they were disbanded and went to different teams, so they weren’t in a position to localize.”

When asked if there is any chance of seeing Investigations 2 in the future, Eshiro said: “Can’t make any promises.”


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