Scans roundup – Ace Attorney 5, Digimon, Gyrozetter, Shin Megami Tensei IV
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments
3DS save data transfer tool out in Japan next Wednesday
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments

Nintendo’s 3DS save data transfer tool, first promised for Japan in January, has an official release date. The app will be ready for release as a free download from the eShop on March 27.
One simple function is included with the tool: the ability to move save data between 3DS retail games and digital copies. It’s a one-way transfer – data can’t be moved from a digital title to a retail release.
Nintendo warns users that the tool is intended to move – not duplicate – save data. Retail saves will be deleted once the process is completed. If a digital game already has data, it’ll be overwritten if the tool is used.
Mega Man 4 3DS VC trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Toys”R”Us Pikachu 3DS XL deal is $180 with $20 gift card
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Update: Now that the deal is actually live, we have some clarification. It’s $180 with a $20 gift card. The regular MSRP is $200. Stock is limited online, so you’ll probably need to visit your local store for the deal.
The Pikachu 3DS XL deal at Toys”R”Us is just slightly less sweeter than originally thought. Rather than marking down the system’s price to $150, the retailer will instead by selling it for $170. Toys”R”Us will be providing a $20 gift card with a purchase, which, in one way, technically brings the overall total down to $150. You’ll just be getting $20 in credit instead of cash.
New Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC now available
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
A pair of new DLC maps are now available in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Smash Brethren #1 and #2 can be purchased for $3 each. Additionally, a Smash Pack containing the two contents and the upcoming Smash Brethren #3 is bundled together for $6.50.
Ike and Roy face off in the latest DLC. By beating Smash Brethren 1, you’ll nab Elincia as a playable character. Beat Brethren 2 to earn Eirika as a playable character.
Players download 130 million Rock Band songs
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
In May 2011, Harmonix announced that Rock Band players had downloaded 100 million songs. Players have obtained another 30 million songs since then. 4,254 songs from 1,657 bands make up the Rock Band library.
Harmonix shared the figures during a PAX East 2013 panel tonight. The studio also gave fans a look at a Rock Band: Led Zeppelin proof-of-concept video as well as images and video for potential Pink Floyd and Pearl Jam releases. For Pink Floyd, Harmonix debuted a Photoshop-made image, though it was nothing more than an internally-created shot.
Tons of Shin Megami Tensei IV details
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Atlus updated the official Shin Megami Tensei IV website with loads of new details. Dengeki published a preview of its own as well. For information compiled from both sources, read on below.
Party Growth
– More experience points can allow demons to increase health and power
– Demons can grow by learning new skills
– Will be easier to hit an enemy’s weak point with new skills
– Battles will become easier with better tactics
– Some demons will level up
– Other demons can “Ash Level Up” to turn into a completely different demon
Whisper Events
– Demons can teach you their skills as they grown
– Will become a fully grown up samurai after learning skills from different demons
Burroughs, the fairy
– “Burroughs”: Operating System found in the Gauntlet
– Burroughs is an entity navigating various Samurai activities
– Burroughs also runs the “Demon Summons Program”
– Demon Summons Program is installed in the Gauntlet and manages the Demon’s assignments, etc.
– When a Samurai is chosen after completing the Gauntlet Ritual, they are provided with demon summoning gauntlets
– All Gauntlets come with the Burroughs operating system installed
– Unclear who created Burroughs
– Will help you manage quests by by registering each one you accept
– Quests will include objectives such as retrieving certain items and ingredients for people or defeating demons
Digital Devil Service (DDS)
– Social Network Service
– Demon-users can meet
– Through 3DS StreetPass, DDS can be used to boast about your Demons to other Samurai, Demon training, and indiscriminate fusion
– DDS card will include a visual presentation of your character, along with an attached demon, that shows their level and skills
– The demon that is used in DDS can bring back rare items as gifts and can even gain stats
Samurai Missions
– Requests received by people and various organizations who try to establish monasteries are called “Quests”
– Burrough manages those quests
– Progress by completing quests
Challenge Quests
– “Challenge Quests” can be completed alongside the main story at any time
– These quests are like side stories separate from the main story
– Over 100 Challenge Quests included
– Convent is Shin Megami Tensei IV’s main setting
– Mikado of the East’s civilization shares similarities to that of Europe’s Middle Age period, where King Ahazuya Mikado rules the lands
– The King is just a symbolic title
– The Convent controls the land in actuality
– With the voice of God on their side, the Convent is an organization that shares knowledge
– They demonstrated their power to the nation with their research division, while providing new doctrines to the citizens. With all that and more, the convent has the power to influence the entire nation
– Hugo: 40 years-old; shrewd man who is currently the Abbot of the Convent; authoritative and brazen; not very compassionate, so he’s despised by many members of the Samurai; high status lets him give advice to King Ahazuya Mikado
– Gabby: character one day received a key position to support Hugo; Hugo’s right-hand woman; carries out tasks for the abbot; not many people know of her origin
– K: one-eyed bartender from of Mikado Castle; has prosthetic scissor-like left arm; used to be a member of the Samurai; vast experience in the field shows that he used to be quite the skilled Samurai, as not even Hope, the Samurai leader, would dare challenge him
– Most Challenge Quests can be accepted through K, with occasional mission requests from demons
DuckTales Remastered is a game over two years in the making
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
DuckTales Remastered’s announcement has been a long time coming. Believe it or not, the project has been in the planning phase for over two years.
Capcom’s Christian Svensson went into detail as to how the project came about on the company’s official forums. It was he who took the big initiative in approaching Disney and eventually pitched the project to Capcom’s Japanese division.
Disney suggested – and Capcom agreed – that WayForward come on board as DuckTales’ new developer. That’s because of the studio’s passion for the original.
Frankly, you guys asked for it, here on Capcom-Unity. That’s why.
About two and a half years ago I started working toward this with Disney because people here kept asking for it (and because I’m a fan too). About a year and a half ago I completed the general outlines of the deal. Disney was on board (and really excited). I then sold the whole concept of the project to Japan as we took it through greenlight.
Wayforward was actually Disney’s suggestion given their creative director’s LOVE for the original and after we did due diligence we totally agreed. Matt Bozon is a star and their experience with Shantae, Contra 4 and Mighty Switch Force made them the right choice. Jake K. (“Virt”) on the music was also a deal sealer for us. They’ve been wonderful to work with and we’ve kept this title very underwraps, even internally. For example, I don’t think anyone in Japan has even seen a build at any point so far (maybe until today :)).
Discussing the possibility of future Capcom-Disney remakes, Svensson said:
As for the future, I’d like to not get ahead of ourselves. I’m thrilled at the fan response this morning but for the moment, we’re going to stay focused on making this project a success. If it works, we can think about other opportunities later but let’s not put the cart before the horse. 🙂
2D platformer “Turtle Tale” heading to the 3DS eShop
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
The makers of DSiWare titles Antipole and Cosmos X2 are bringing a new game to the 3DS eShop. “Turtle Tale” is heading to the digital store sometime in the future.
Turtle Tale is a straight-up 2D platformer that is reminiscent of titles from the older days of gaming – specifically the NES and SNES. You’ll take on the role of a water gun-wielding armed turtle who is looking to keep his island safe from foes.
View a few screenshots from Turtle Tale in the gallery above.