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Senran Kagura producer Kenichiro Takaki has hopes of releasing Senran Kagura Burst in the west.

Takaki believes the best option at this point would be to bring the game over through the 3DS eShop. Takaki said that this may be possible “when Nintendo further builds up their infrastructure for downloadable games”.

“Of course, we’d like to release it overseas. But, one of the most important things about the game it’s not just an action game, it’s also very sexualized. What we would like to do, when Nintendo further builds up their infrastructure for downloadable games, is release it as a downloadable title.”


Recent news regarding the Mass Effect franchise has proven to be inaccurate. BioWare had apparently made statements confirming a late 2014 to early 2015 launch for the next entry in the series, and there had also been talk about future Wii U support.

Now GamerSyndrome – the original source of the interview – has updated its story, all but confirming that the Q&A was fabricated.

“This interview has been removed. The information provided previously by the author of this post was deemed to be obtained from an inaccurate source and NOT an official Bioware or EA interview response. We apologize for the inconvinience.” [sic]

BioWare community manager Tully Ackland added a denial of his own:

“Just want to make it clear as I’ve had a few questions. Any rumours of release dates for our next Mass Effect project are completely false.”

It’s unclear why the interview was published in the first place. Just keep in mind that any updates you’ve read about Mass Effect over the past few days or so is likely untrue.

Source 1, Source 2, Via

Media Create’s latest hardware sales from Japan indicate that the 3DS has surpassed lifetime sales of the PlayStation 3.

3DS sales now stand at 8,799,378 following sales obtained between December 3 and December 9. Sales of the PlayStation 3 are at 8,716,260 in Japan.

Here’s the full listing of Japanese lifetime hardware sales:

Nintendo 3DS – 8,799,378
PlayStation 3 – 8,716,260
Nintendo DS – 32,875,469
PlayStation 2 – 21,829,112
PSP – 19,488,236
Nintendo Wii – 12,608,700
Xbox 360 – 1,608,399
PlayStation Vita – 1,074,621
Nintendo Wii U – 308,142

Source, Via 1, Via 2

Announced back at New York Comic Con, The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultimate Edition is supposed to be heading to Wii U sometime in the future. Now, we may have a more solid release window, courtesy of Amazon. The online retailer lists the game as available for pre-order, and says it ships in March of 2013, which would put it within the Wii U’s gigantic “launch window” laid out by Nintendo.

I’d guess this is true just based on the fact that any later and it’ll lose relevance among the necessary crowds, but who knows– Amazon has been wrong before!

Via Nintendo Life

Famitsu readers were asked this week what they would want to get as a holiday gift, and many of the responses (understandably, given Famitsu’s audience) were related to video games:

“For a friend, I’d like to get Borderlands 2. We could play co-op over New Years!” – 18 year-old male high school student

“I think Animal Crossing: New Leaf would be perfect as a gift for a friend who doesn’t play video games very much, since it lets you play casually at your own pace. I want to enjoy the village life together. Plus the characters are so cute!” – 33 year-old female part-time worker

“I want to give the Resident Evil series! Playing together with a romantic partner would be more exciting than watching a horror movie.” – 25 year-old self-employed male

“I think for this season, the Wii U is a no-brainer. It’s just been released and now’s the time when it’ll be the hottest item.” – 25 year-old male company worker

“The Nintendo 3DS is perfect since it has a lot of games with network play. It’d be a lot of fun to play with the person you give it to!” – 16 year-old male high school student

“My husband is a huge fan of the Yakuza series, so I’m sure he’d love it if I gave him Yakuza 5.” – 40 year-old self-employed female.

“I’m giving my girlfriend a PlayStation 3, since she doesn’t have one. Now’s a good time since the price has dropped.” – 36 year-old male company worker

“I’m giving a PlayStation network card to buy downloadable games with. The software lineup has gotten bigger and that way they can choose whatever they want.” – 24 year-old male part-time worker

Sounds like games are the way to go for a lot of folks in Japan! I wonder if the same holds true in the states… probably not!

Via Kotaku

This week’s Japanese 3DS/Wii U eShop updates are as follows:


3DS Download Titles
Johnny Kung Fu – 700 yen
Dasshutsu Adventure Majo no Sumu Yakata DEMO – FREE
Dokodemo Honya-san (e-book and manga service) – FREE
Dragon Quest X Odekake Mosha de Battle (camera application) – 600 yen
Riki Densetsu – 800 yen
Kawai Koneko 3D (retail download) – 5,040 yen
Lost Heroes (retail download) – 6,280 yen

Virtual Console
Summer Carnival ’92 Rekka (Famicom) – 500 yen
Rock Man 6: Shij? Saidai no Tatakai! (Mega Man 6, Famicom) – 400 yen (until 1/7)

Wii U

Wii U Download Titles
NicoNico (Video Service) – FREE
Hulu – FREE
Youtube – FREE
New Super Mario Bros. U (retail download) – 5,985 yen
NintendoLand (retail download) – 4,935 yen
Assassin’s Creed III (retail download) – 6,930 yen
ZombiU (retail download) – 6,300 yen
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition (retail download) – 6,280 yen
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge (retail download) – 6,300 yen
Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition (retail download) – 5,480 yen
FIFA 13 World Class Soccer (retail download) – 7,665 yen
Mus? Orochi 2 Hyper (retail download) – 6,300 yen
Sangokushi 12 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12, retail download) – 8,000 yen

Video Content

Dokodemo Honya-san (e-book service) video
Dragon Quest X camera app video


Masahiro Sakurai is keeping quiet on the next Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. In a Famitsu column, he told fans that they’ll have to “wait a while longer.” He’s been thinking about cutting down on his tweets “and start putting in a real effort here.” He thinks it’d be best “if I could be forgotten about by gamers for awhile.”

Sakurai also talked about how his tweets tend to result in speculation about the new Smash Bros., talked about Fox’s inclusion in past games, and more.

Read on below for Sakurai’s comments.

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