Parents need to pay $0.50 to register their children
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments
To register a Nintendo Network ID for your child on the Wii U, you’ll need to fork over a one-time fee of $0.50. Parents need to carry out this process for children under the age of 13. This goes in line with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
To complete registration, you’ll need to input credit card information. Nintendo assures consumers that information isn’t stored on the Wii U or any server. As a result, you’ll have to re-enter credit card information for eShop usage.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Wii U footage
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
51 minutes of New Super Mario Bros. U footage
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Nearly an hour of Nintendo Land footage
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
New Fantasy Life screenshots/art
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Media Create software sales (11/5 – 11/11) – Top 50
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
01./00. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf #
02./00. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires
03./00. [360] Halo 4 #
04./01. [PS3] Tales of Xillia 2 #
05./05. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 #
06./06. [3DS] Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
07./00. [PS3] Silent Hill: Downpour
08./04. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2013
09./02. [PS3] Okami HD
10./03. [PS3] Yakuza 1 & 2 HD Edition
11./08. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2013
12./13. [3DS] Style Savvy: Trendsetters
13./19. [3DS] Tousouchuu: Shijou Saikyou no Hunter-Tachi Kara Nigekire!
14./09. [PS3] Resident Evil 6
15./20. [NDS] Pokemon Black 2 / White 2
16./10. [PS3] Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
17./18. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate #
18./00. [3DS] Nicola Kanshuu: Model Oshare Audition Platina
19./22. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb
20./07. [PSP] The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa – Honey Sound / Funky Note / Groovy Tune
21./16. [PSP] Little Battlers eXperience W
22./11. [3DS] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2013
23./23. [3DS] Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone
24./26. [3DS] Mario Kart 7
25./15. [PS3] Borderlands 2
26./29. [3DS] Kobito Zukan: Kobito Kansatsu Set
27./14. [3DS] AKB48+Me
28./27. [WII] Wii Sports Resort with Wii Remote Plus #
29./34. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land #
30./12. [PS3] NBA 2K13
31./30. [WII] Mario Party 9
32./17. [WII] Winning Eleven Play Maker 2013
33./25. [PS3] Rocksmith
34./24. [PS3] FIFA 13
35./32. [3DS] Brain Age: Concentration Training
36./33. [WII] Dragon Quest X: Mezameshi Itsutsu no Shuzoku Online #
37./21. [PS3] Zone of the Enders HD Edition #
38./35. [3DS] Little Battlers eXperience: Explosive Boost
39./43. [PS3] Assassin’s Creed I + II Welcome Pack
40./37. [WII] Just Dance Wii 2
41./36. [PSP] Summon Night 3
42./42. [3DS] Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 2nd
43./31. [3DS] Project X Zone
44./46. [WII] Kirby’s Dream Collection: Special Edition
45./28. [PS3] Dead Island: Zombie of the Year Edition
46./00. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops – Dubbed Edition (New Price Edition)
47./00. [3DS] Medarot 7: Kabuto / Kuwagata
48./00. [3DS] Nintendogs + Cats: French Bulldog / Shiba / Toy Poodle & New Friends
49./00. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D #
50./40. [PSP] Shiren the Wanderer 4 Plus: God’s Eye and the Demon’s Navel
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Wii U footage
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
A few details about Wii U’s RAM
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
After tearing down the Wii U console, it would appear some folks have managed to discover some details about the Wii U’s RAM.
The console is apparently making use of 2GB of Samsung DDR3 memory. It runs at a max speed of 17GB/s.
How does that stack up to other consoles? The PlayStation 3 runs at 25.6GB/s while the Xbox 360 runs at 22.4GB/s:
360: 22.4 GB/s + eDRAM for framebuffer
PS3: 25.6 GB/s main memory BW + 22.4 GB/s graphics memory BW, no eDRAM
Wii U’s eDRAM amount as well as speed are currently unknown.
Trinen on third-parties, Wii U’s last-minute update, more
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Prior to the launch of Wii U, Nintendo of America director of product marketing Bill Trinen answered a few questions about Wii U. Trinen talked briefly about third-parties, Wii U stock, and even the console’s last-minute update that went live just a few hours before the system officially reached consumers.
For all of Trinen’s comments, head past the break.