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3DS eShop

Bit Dungeon+ came to Wii U last October. This week, it will be on 3DS as well. Dolores Entertainment will have the game ready on July 13.

Information about Bit Dungeon+ is below, along with a trailer.

bit Dungeon combines the randomized loot of Diablo and fast action combat of Zelda. Explore randomized dungeons and hack and slash your way through dangerous bosses. The difficultly increases as you become stronger and stronger. Build your character how you want with deadly passive abilities. Just like the classic quarter crunchers of old, if you die you lose everything and start all over. Can you make it to the end and save the day?

You and your beloved friend were captured by demons… You wake up what seems like hours, maybe even days later trapped in a prison cell, and your friend is missing. You find a sword in your cell and vow revenge against the beasts who took your friend – the quest to find your friend one and destroy the demons begins!


1-2 Players cooperative game
Large procedural dungeon generation, every time you play is different.
Randomly generated items.
Save slots
Massive Bosses
Multiple endings

Source: Dolores Entertainment PR

Kemco brought some RPG love to Wii U on Thursday with Revenant Saga. Next week, 3DS is getting some attention as well with Asdivine Hearts. Nintendo’s website lists the game for July 13.

The listing offers up the following overview:

Harvey, an outlaw of little importance, gets himself trapped deep in his kingdom’s dungeons. While imprisoned he befriends a mysterious woman who claims to be the princess of the lands. Together the two begin an escape that spans far beyond jail bars. As both friends and enemies begin to surface, Harvey realizes that the world of Asdivine is anything but at peace. Between threats of war and angry Deities, Harvey and friends begin a series of quests that will determine the very fate of Asdivine…

Fill the Trust Gauge or combine magic and skills to create powerful combos in turn-based battles! Weapon upgrades, a battle arena for the toughest of the tough, plenty of subquests, post-game content, and so on bring everything to the table players have come to expect from the Asdivine series.

Now it is time to suit up and set out on an adventure like never before!

Kemco also has the following English trailer:

Asdivine Cross will cost $9.99.


Four Horses put out a new 3DS-specific trailer for its autorunner Four Horses. The game, which is also planned for Switch, will release later this year. See the new trailer below.

Kirby’s Blowout Blast launched on the 3DS eShop this week. On Miiverse, HAL Laboratory’s Satoshi Ishida passed along a special message from Tatsuya Kamiyama, the game’s director.

One notable thing Kamiyama mentioned is that the action fighting Kirby title announced for 3DS earlier this year is still coming this winter. We’ve yet to see anything from the game since the original announcement, nor has Nintendo really mentioned it again.

Continue on below for Kamiyama’s full message.

A few new games out came out this week on the various eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Starfish has prepared a new trailer for Elminage III, out next week on the 3DS eShop. You can watch it below.

Three new discounts are available on the North American Club Nintendo site. Each one is a 40 percent discount on Castlevania titles.

The first discount is for the original Castlevania, which will cost you 200 Platinum Points. Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest and Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse require 40 Gold Points each.

All of these discounts can be redeemed here. They’re valid on both Wii U and 3DS, and will be on My Nintendo until October 9.

Nintendo of America published a launch trailer for Kirby’s Blowout Blast yesterday. Now Nintendo of Europe has done the same as well, with some different footage included. You can see the trailer below.

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) is arriving next week in North America and Europe, Abylight has announced. It will be priced at $11.99 / €11.99.

Maldita Castilla is an action-platformer, now with stereoscopic 3D and a new coin-op mode on 3DS. You’ll be fighting as a brave knight as you attempt to fight against dark forces that have taken over the land.

You can find more information about Cursed Castilla below, along with a trailer.

Among this week’s new 3DS titles are Kirby’s Blowout Blast and Alchemic Dungeons (currently Europe only, not out in North America). Both are digital games.

With Kirby’s Blowout Blast, you’ll need 754 blocks of free space. Alchemic Dungeons takes up 858 blocks. That’s 94.25MB and 107.25MB respectively.

Source 1: 3DS eShop, Source 2

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