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3DS eShop

Note: It’s June 30 in both North America and Europe.

Footage from the E3 demo of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice is starting to come in. Check out some off-screen gameplay below.

A new Battle of Elemental REBOOST video has gone live which acts as a tutorial of sorts. View it below.

Nintendo’s new E3 eShop sale is now up and running in North America. Wii U and 3DS owners can save on various games by up to 40 percent.

Here’s the full lineup:

Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD – $29.99
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past – $4.79
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap – $4.79
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D – $23.99
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages – $3.59
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons – $3.59

Pokémon Rumble U – $9.71
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire – $4.31
Pokémon Battle Trozei – $4.31
Pokémon Trading Card Game – $3.23

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The full Nindies segment from YouTube’s live stream event yesterday is now available. Nintendo’s Damon Baker stopped by with indies to show off Jotun, Runbow, Axiom Verge, and Severed. View it below.

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A new trailer for Gunslugs has been published ahead of its launch on the 3DS eShop on Thursday. Check it out below.

With Nintendo’s indie push on YouTube’s E3 live stream, Severed was revealed for Wii U and 3DS. We learned that the game is coming this summer on the eShop, and cross-buy will be supported.

Graham Smith, DrinkBox co-founder and producer, indicated that setting up cross-buy for Severed will be relatively simple. Not much work is required, and Nintendo has been “very helpful” with the whole process.

According to Smith:

Nintendo was very helpful when it came to supporting cross-buy for Severed, and we didn’t actually have to do much on our end to support the feature. All that is required is that the purchaser be signed in with their Nintendo Network ID (NNID) when buying Severed. As long as they do this, they will be able to download Severed to their other device(s) when signed in with that same NNID.


Guacamelee developer DrinkBox Studios is bringing its next game to Nintendo platforms. Today, the studio revealed that Severed is in the works for both Wii U and 3DS. The announcement was made during a Nindies segment on YouTube’s E3 2016 stream.

Severed will support cross-buy, meaning you’ll only need to purchase one version to get the other version free. It’ll be on the eShop this summer.

Here’s a trailer:

Capcom has come out with yet another Japanese Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice commercial. Find it below.

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