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I Saw Black Clouds

Wales Interactive and Ghost Dog Films today announced I Saw Black Clouds, a cinematic interactive psychological thriller. It’s due out for Switch in Q1 2021.

Here’s an overview of I Saw Black Clouds, along with a trailer:

During its latest live stream today, Famitsu showed footage of Cosmo Police Galivan and Quarth – the latest entries in the Arcade Archives series for Switch. We have the full recording below.

Arcade Archives Cosmo Police Galivan is out now on the Switch eShop. Arcade Archives Quarth is slated for January 21 worldwide.

The shoot ’em up game Bezier: Second Edition lands on Switch tomorrow. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Bezier: Second Edition will be sold digitally for Switch via the eShop starting on January 21. We have more information and a trailer here.

Mages and Team GrisGris have shown off the new Switch version of Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear for Switch with a gameplay video for Chapter 1: Prologue. Get a look at the footage below.

Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear will be released for Switch in Japan on February 28. There’s no word on a western release at this time.

Loot Hero DX

Loot Hero DX, a retro-inspired RPG, lands on the Switch eShop later this week. View some early footage in the video below.

Expect to see Loot Hero DX on January 21. For more information and a trailer, head on over here.

Qubic Games have announced that Timothy and the Mysterious Forest will be arriving on Switch in North America and Europe on January 22.

The 8-bit action game developed by Kibou Entertainment was announced several months ago but no release date was confirmed. You can check out our initial coverage here.


Hamster is bringing Arcade Archives Quarth to Switch this week, the company announced today. A worldwide release is planned for January 21.

Here’s an overview of the game.

Nintendo has detailed the latest Super Mario Bros. 35 Special Battle event that is currently available. Lasting until January 26, this event, Return to Bowser’s Castle Battle,  focuses on Castle themed courses, featuring stages 1-1, 1-4, 2-1, 2-4, 3-1, 3-4, 4-1, 5-1, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-1.

Any Bowser defeated in this Special Battle will count towards the World Count Challenge.


Summer Pockets will soon be seeing an upgrade this summer in Japan, bringing with it new content and updated systems. Players can enjoy additional routes for Umi Katou, Miki Nomura, and Shizuku Mizuori — as well as an all-new heroine Shiki Kamiyama. Players can also look forward to more everyday life scenes, and even more content with the upgrade. Per Famitsu, the physical edition will run 8,000 yen, while the upgrade itself via the Switch eShop will be 3,000 yen.


Buddy Mission Bond

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

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