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Switch eShop

Earlier today, we heard that Tetris 99 will be hosting a new Maximus Cup event later this week. Players will have an opportunity to unlock a special theme based in Kirby Fighters 2.

Nintendo has now posted a video showing off the theme in action. Have a look at the footage below.


Nintendo has announced the next Special Battle event for Super Mario Bros. 35. It’s a Coin King theme, featuring courses containing hidden beanstalks and coin areas.

1-1, 5-1, 5-2, 2-1, 6-2, 3-1, and 8-1 are among the included stages. The first course will be random, but the levels after that will be in a fixed order.

The new Special Battle event goes live in Super Mario Bros. 35 on January 8. Expect it to last until January 11.


Rhythm Fighter

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of January 14, 2021. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


Hitman 3

Game Informer is back with a new video for Hitman 3 that shows off the game’s persistent shortcuts system. IO Interactive says the shortcuts are intended to “encourage exploration, reward curiosity, and incentivize replayability.”

Shortcuts can be unlocked in one direction. They can be accessed in a future playthrough to open up new and convenient ways to access targets.

Here’s the video from Game Informer:

Forever Entertainment and Ricci Cedric Design today announced Binarystar Infinity, a new shoot ’em up for Switch. A release date hasn’t been shared at this time.

Here’s a brief overview of Binarystar Infinity, along with a trailer:

Gods Will Fall

Deep Silver and Clever Beans have provided an update on the dark fantasy action game Gods Will Fall. Aside from details regarding the Hunter’s Head Gear pre-order bonus, there’s a bit of news on the Valiant Edition.

Here’s the full rundown:

A few months ago, Supraland debuted on consoles, including Switch. Unfortunately, the “Crash” DLC that released on PC last summer is unlikely to make it over.

Supra Games said that the “PC and console are both on completely different versions of the game” and the DLC “is just not compatible.” It was also pointed out that a very low amount of players would probably purchase the extra content.

Supra Games explained:

Ahead of its release later this week, Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Heart of the Forest has received a demo on the eShop. Check out some footage in the video below.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Heart of the Forest is slated for January 7 on the Switch eShop. We have more information and a trailer here.

Sky: Children of the Light

A few months ago, thatgamecompany pushed back the Switch version of Sky: Children of the Light. It was originally planned for last spring, though ultimately the delay will be about a year.

thatgamecompany provided an update on the Switch version today, including a new release window. It’s now on track for a Spring 2021 launch.

Today’s news was also accompanied by a new trailer for the game. We’ve included the video below.

Virus: The Outbreak, a real-time strategy game, was added to the Switch eShop last week. Find some footage in the video below.

We have additional information and a trailer for Virus: The Outbreak here.

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