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Switch eShop

The Eternal Castle: Remastered is coming to Switch next week, according to an eShop listing. Yet despite the name, this is a new game entirely.

Marketing material mentions that The Eternal Castle: Remastered is a remake of a 1987 title. However, The Eternal Castle never actually existed at any point until this game’s launch. It’s an interesting move from the developers to try and convince people that we’re getting a remaster, but The Eternal Castle: Remastered is really more of a tribute to an earlier era.

Here’s some information about The Eternal Castle: Remastered as well as a trailer:

80's Overdrive

After appearing on 3DS at the end of 2017, Insane Code’s 2D pixel art racing game 80’s Overdrive reaches Switch on May 7. View some early footage in the video below.

80’s Overdrive will be sold digitally on Switch via the eShop.

The platformer Reed Remastered made it to Switch back in February. Its sequel, Reed 2, is now launching this week as well. Publisher Ratalakia Games and developer PXLink shared the news today.

We have the following overview and trailer for Reed 2:

Dogmelon Games has announced a major update for Baron: Fur is Gonna Fly. The aerial party showdown will be adding four new modes. A new difficulty level for bots and a number of quality of life fixes will be included as well.

Here’s the full rundown:

Here’s a bit of a strange Switch game on the horizon. NatWest, a banking company from the UK, is bringing NatWest to Switch. It’ll be a free download rather than a paid release.

The game is what you’d expect based on the title – helping out islands. Players will wash away gloop, collect litter, earn coins, and rescue “bankimals” with a first-person perspective. Stormcloud Games was commissioned to work on the project.

An eShop listing offers up the following overview:

Megabyte Punch, Team Reptile’s fighting/beat ’em up game, reaches the Switch eShop on May 8. Find some footage in the video below.

Megabyte Punch will be sold digitally for Switch via the eShop.

Cloudhose Prime, a first-person terrain manipulation game, will be out on the Switch eShop this Thursday. Check out some footage below.

Splatoon 2

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include Deadly Premonition Origins, My Time at Portia, Splatoon 2, Skullgirls, and more.

Here are the full highlights:


Nintendo eShop

It’s been pretty quiet on the Nintendo maintenance front as of late, and that’ll be continuing into next week. At least for now, no immediate sessions are scheduled. Nintendo is only planning some downtime for the eShops later in the month.

Here’s the full schedule as things currently stand:

Thanks to Annapurna Interactive, Sam Barlow was able to bring his investigative thriller Telling Lies to Switch this week. Right around the game’s launch, we caught up with Barlow to discuss the project in greater detail. We chatted about the experience of adapting the title for Switch, the possibility of Her Story receiving a port, and more.

Our full discussion can be read below. As for Telling Lies, the game is available now on the Switch eShop.

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