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Switch eShop

Game Freak has issued the latest trailer for its RPG Little Town Hero focusing on the game’s battle system. Watch it below.

The Bradwell Conspiracy has received a new launch trailer featuring British TV presenter Jonathan Ross and programmer Haarvey Ross. Check it out below.

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

Big Way Games has issued a launch trailer for BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre, which is out now on the Switch eShop. Watch it below.

Little Town Hero, the RPG developed by Gamefreak, is out next week, on October 16. Today, Gamefreak uploaded a 20-minute video to their Youtube channel, showcasing some gameplay from the Japanese version of the game:

FK Digital and Arc System Works have confirmed that they are bringing the ninja action title Mononoke Slashdown to the Switch sometime in November. 

Previously, the title was exclusive to PlayStation Mobile. So far, only a digital version is confirmed. A trailer for the previous version of the title can be viewed below.


Corpse Party: Blood Drive

Earlier today, Corpse Party: Blood Drive was added to the Switch eShop. Check out some gameplay footage in the video below.

River City Melee Match!!

Arc System Works is celebrating today’s release of River City Melee Match!! with a new launch trailer. Get a look at the video below.


The open world action-adventure simulation game Pine has received a new trailer. Take a look at the video from Twirlbound below.

The first-person psychological horror game The Park is landing on Switch this month, an eShop listing reveals. A release is planned for October 22.

Here’s an overview of The Park, along with a trailer:

Rabi-Ribi joined the Switch eShop today worldwide. Take a look at some gameplay footage in the video below.

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