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Switch eShop

Unbound Creations will be bringing Headliner: NoviNews to Switch. As shown on the eShop, the adventure game will be out on August 19.

Here’s some additional information about Headliner: NoviNews:

Omen Exitio: Plague is coming to Switch, Forever Entertainment has announced. Other than “soon”, a release window hasn’t been confirmed.

We have the following overview and trailer for Omen Exitio: Plague:

Ratalakia Games has announced that it is putting Sagebrush on Switch in just a few days. The first-person narrative-driven adventure game is slated for August 9.

Here’s an overview of Sagebrush, along with a trailer:

Arcade Archives XMultiply will arrive on Switch this week, Hamster has announced. A release is planned through the eShop on August 8.

Irem originally made XMultiply in 1989. It’s a side-scrolling shooter in which players use the microscopic X-002 space craft to take down alien parasites that have invaded a human host.

Arcade Archives XMultiply will cost $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29 on the Switch eShop.

Source: Hamster PR

Earlier today, DC Universe Online launched for Switch via the eShop. For a look at some footage from the final build, watch the video below.

Back in 2002, Krome Studios created the platformer Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. Nearly two decades later, Krome Studios is looking to bring back the original game for Switch – and with a fresh coat of paint to boot.

A new Kickstarter opened today for a Switch remaster of Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. Aside from updating the visuals, new Switch-specific controls will be included “where you can use them like boomerangs to throw and glide.” Audio improvements are also planned.

If this sounds interesting, you can back the project on Kickstarter here. Krome Studios seeks $50,000 in funding to make the Switch remaster happen.

Thanks to Kevin N for the tip.

Nintendo has shared new data revealing the top top 30 most-downloaded Switch games in North America for July 2019.

Fortnite continues to lead the pack. However, we do see new games like Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, and Dragon Quest Builders 2 in the top ten.

Below are the full results:

At the end of this month, Blowfish Studios is bringing the action-platformer Whipseey and the Lost Atlas to Switch. Check out some footage below.

Whipseey and the Lost Atlas launches for Switch via the eShop on August 27.

Headup Games has published a new trailer for Silver Chains, an upcoming a first-person horror game for Switch. View it below.

Circle Entertainment is teaming up with Litchi Game to bring Paper Dolls Original to Switch, the company has announced. A release date has yet to be confirmed.

We have the following overview and trailer for Paper Dolls Original:

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