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Switch eShop

Solstice Chronicles: MIA

Circle Entertainment has announced a partnership with Ironward to bring Solstice Chronicles: MIA to Switch. It’ll be arriving on the eShop later this year.

Solstice Chronicles: MIA is a top-down shooter with upgradeable weapons and local co-op. The game features “strategic play as you make best use of your accompanying drone.”

Hand of Fate 2

Several months ago, Defiant Development expressed interest in bringing Hand of Fate 2 to Switch. Today, it was made official. Hand of Fate 2 is indeed releasing on Switch, and it’s just a week away.

Hand of Fate 2 is an acclaimed action RPG. The Switch version will include all DLC add-ons that have been made available on PC from its November launch through April, with more content coming later.


The Mega Man-inspired 20XX makes its debut on Switch tomorrow. Get a look at some footage in the video below.

Bomber Crew

Bomber Crew finally lands on Switch tomorrow. For a look at the title in action, check out the gameplay video below.

Table Top Racing: World Tour

A new racer is on the way to Switch. Greenlight Games has announced that in partnership with Playrise Digital, Table Top Racing: World Tour will be released on the console.

Here’s some information about Table Top Racing: World Tour via Steam, along with a trailer:

Ultra Space Battle Brawl

Toge Productions released a launch trailer for Ultra Space Battle Brawl on Switch. Have a look at the video below.

After GameMaker Studio 2 support was announced for Switch earlier this year, Lowe Bros. Studios expressed interest in bringing its platform brawler to the console. The developer shared a brief update this week. Once the Steam version drops, Lowe Bros. intends to pitch the game to Nintendo.

Indie Pogo is just a few days away from its Steam launch, as it’s planned for July 10. It has playable fighters from Shovel Knight, Freedom Planet, Bit.Trip, Freedom Planet, VVVVVV, and more.

Thanks to awesomeparadise3 for the tip.


Crystal Crisis

During a Wednesday Night Fights Offseason live stream, a bunch of Crystal Crisis was shown with over an hour of footage. We’ve posted the recording below.

Star Story: The Horizon Escape

Star Story: The Horizon Escape is coming to Switch next week, a listing on the North American eShop confirms. The game will be arriving on July 12.

Players can expect a text turn-based adventure RPG with important choices from Star Story: The Horizon Escape. We have more information and a trailer below.

Death Road to Canada

Rocketcat Games sent out the newest patch for Death Road to Canada on Switch. The “GIZZARD Update” tweaks the ending of the final level of the game, adds a new song to the soundtrack, includes a new Rare Special Character to trading camps, and more.

The patch notes are as follows:

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