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Wii U eShop

Wombat Source just submitted an update for GetClose to Nintendo that adds several new things. When it’s released, players will have access to the following:

– Off-TV play
– 4 new levels (2 for Capture the Crown, and 2 for King of the Crown)
– Scrolling parallax background on each level

We’ll let you know when the update launches. For now, view some screenshots below.

Source: Wombat Source PR

Form Up Studios LLC has partnered with Sc0tt Games to launch Tri-Strip on the Wii U eShop. The game is a retro-themed, single-player puzzle project that has players scoring points by arranging rows of triangular tiles into quads. Challenge modes and time-based events are included in the full release.

Arrow Time U has received an update. If it doesn’t appear when booting up, you may need to delete the game entirely and re-download from the eShop.

“Despite poor sales”, developer XenoHorizon pushed forward with the update, as the studio didn’t want to go back on its word.

XenoHorizon is taking what it learned with Arrow Time U and applying it to future projects. Speaking of which, it sounds like the indie developer has another title lined up for Wii U.


Shin’en confirmed on Twitter today that it will be releasing Arc System Works’ Family Tennis SP on the Wii U eShop next week. We previously heard about the game coming to Europe on Thursday, but it appears that the North American launch will be taking place on the same day as well. Pricing for Family Tennis SP is set at $4.99 / €4.99.


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