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Wii U eShop

Internal Invasion is due out in North America next Thursday. If you purchase the game during its first week, you’ll be able to partake in a 10 percent discount. Internal Invasion will be priced at $4.99 following the launch week special.

Bear Box Media has also confirmed plans to produce free Internal Invasion DLC. We don’t have details on this just yet, but we’re told that it will come as an update in Q4.

Update: Full transcript below!

Also available on 3DS! Austin takes on the newly released first-ever game from Yacht Club Games. Is it any good? Oh no, you’ll just have to watch the review to see. (Want to skip the analysis? Go to 10:51 for the recommendation on who should buy it and who shouldn’t)

Internal Invasion is coming out on the Wii U eShop next Thursday. That’s according to developer Bear Box Media, who tweeted the following yesterday:

FAST Racing Neo

Much of FAST Racing Neo is still shrouded in mystery, but developer Shin’en did recently share one tidbit about the game on Twitter. The studio said that its racer will run at 60 frames per second – something that should definitely make FAST look smooth on Wii U.

Shin’en’s tweet is as follows:


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