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Nintendo UK published a new timeline image on its Twitter account highlighting Luigi’s history. You can find it below.


Yakuza 1&2 HD are heading to Wii U. This is the first time that the series will be gracing a non-PlayStation platform. But even though the pair of remastered HD titles are in the works for Nintendo’s system, this doesn’t guarantee that future Yakuza releases will make their way to Wii U a well.

Yakuza producer Toshihiro Nagoshi said that the decision to make Yakuza 1&2 HD for Wii U is “an experiment”. This will be a gauge of sorts to see just how many Wii U owners are interested in a series like Yakuza.

Nagoshi stated:

Ghostlight confirmed through Twitter today that the European Devil Survivor Overclocked patch is now available for download. You can grab the update on the 3DS eShop.

The Devil Survivor Overclocked patch fixes a number of bugs. More details about the situation can be found here.


Wii Street U was originally intended to be a paid download in Japan once June strolled on in. Those plans have since changed.

The application will now be free to all through October 31. By extending the free time period, Nintendo hopes that more people will be able to experience what it has to offer.


Injustice: Gods Among Us is available at a discount on Amazon for one day only. All versions of the game are currently going for just $34.99, resulting in $25 in savings. You can find more details here.

Commentary from three former Rare developers can be found below. Designer Chris Seavor and programmers Shawn Pile and Chris Marlow comment on the game, Rare’s culture, and more.


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