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UK software sales for Wii U last month were rather abysmal. Just 34,000 games were sold in the territory throughout January. The figure is even more bewildering when you consider that all copies of Nintendo Land – yes, the ones bundled in with the Premium Pack – count towards the total. Wii U maintained a market share of just 1.6% in the UK.

A full listing of UK software totals can be found in the graphic above.


The image above shows a supposed “Zmart” listing for Battlefield 4 on Wii U, as noted by the Nintendo Pe Facebook fan page. The source also mentions the store as having the Pikachu 3DS XL available for pre-order with a tentative March date. The only problem? They also list “Zelda Wii U” and “Modern Warfare 4 Wii U” as coming, despite the fact that those are clearly just placeholders.

Is this to be believed? Maybe. For now, we’ll remain skeptical. We won’t know for sure until Activision or EA say something!

Listing for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 Wii U
Listing for Battlefield 4 Wii U

Thanks to Carlos for the news tip!

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is now out in the wild. Thus far, the art book has performed excellently for Dark Horse Publishing.

A total of 400,000 copies have been printed up to this point. Hyrule Historia has also nabbed the top spot on the Wall Street Journal and New York Times Bestseller list.

Dark Horse believes things are just getting started for Hyrule Historia and will continue to print copies of the book in order to keep up with demand.

“We believe the buzz on The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is just beginning and will be reprinting as many as needed to keep up with demand.”


Creator of the critically acclaimed sequel to the critically acclaimed Bioware RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Obsidian are saying that they’re attempting to pitch a new RPG based on the sci-fi series to Disney, possibly based on the events between Episode III and Episode IV. No word on exactly what the final product might end up being, but they’re hoping for the best!

“I would say it’s within the top three pitches we’ve ever come up with. There’s a lot of different eras in Star Wars, and that’s what we would focus on.”

[The Lucas/Disney situation] changes things a lot, but you know, we’re gonna push on it. We really worked on it hard and distilled it down to these eight or ten pages that really sold the story and characters. Then we sold it off to LucasArts and got a call back later that day. They were like, ‘This seems really cool. We want to talk to you guys, like, tomorrow about it’.

“We haven’t [talked with Disney yet]. We’re kind of waiting for the smoke to clear. But that’s one of my next big things to do. To kind of go over there and [get the ball rolling again].”

– Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart

I could definitely use a high quality single player Star Wars RPG sometime in the future! The Old Republic seemed good, but since it didn’t come to consoles I didn’t have the chance to try it out– if this new one happens to hit next-gen devices it would be a big incentive for folks to go out and get one!

Rock Paper Shotgun via MCVUK

Someone at Nintendo screwed up earlier today. Scribblenauts Unlimited appeared on the European Wii U eShop, despite the fact that the game had just been delayed earlier this week.

Nintendo has since commented on the error. In a statement, the company wrote:

“Scribblenauts Unlimited for Wii U which was recently delayed for Europe was made available today to download on the Nintendo eShop for a short period of time. This title has now been removed from the Nintendo eShop. We are very sorry for any confusion this may have caused and we hope to make further announcements on the European launch of these games very soon.”


At this point, it would be impossible for Ubisoft to ignore the comments it has been receiving regarding its decision to delay Rayman Legends in order to make it multiplatform. Gamers have been vocal on Miiverse, the company’s official Facebook page and forums, and other areas. Heck, fans have even started to create petitions in hopes of getting Rayman out on time.

Ubisoft’s decision is final, but it has responded to the vociferous criticisms and comments. The company said that they “understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.” Ubisoft is also promising “a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon.”

Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.

We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more.


Well here’s something I didn’t know: Back in the early 2000s, Microsoft was strongly considering purchasing SEGA and using them to make a game console to combat Sony! I guess it makes sense if you think about it, and it would have been significantly cheaper to buy SEGA and use their resources for game console development as opposed to starting from scratch on your own. So why didn’t the deal work out?

“There were three companies at that point in time, I think this was [Sony,] SEGA and Nintendo. There was always talk maybe we buy SEGA or something like that; that never materialised, but we were actually able to license them what they call Windows CE, the younger brother of Windows, to run on their system and make that their platform.

“But for Bill [Gates] this wasn’t enough, he didn’t think that SEGA had enough muscle to eventually stop Sony so we did our own Xbox thing.”

– Former Microsoft Employee Joachim Kempin

Man, wouldn’t it be weird if SEGA was still in the business of making consoles!? Especially if they were owned by Microsoft! I’m not sure that things would have gone better for both companies in the long run though, considering how successful the Xbox brand has been worldwide.


Capcom has no plans to add co-op to the main campaign in Resident Evil: Revelations HD. However, you’ll still be able to team up with a friend through the game’s Raid Mode.

When asked about the possibility of co-op in single-player, a Capcom marketing staff member said:

“At this time it’s not planned to add co-op to the campaign side of Revelations.”


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