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Nintendo sure cut things close, didn’t they? There was some doubt that the Wii U’s update wouldn’t be prepared for launch, but the download was finally made available a short while ago.

You’ll want to get this update as soon as you receive your Wii U tonight or tomorrow. It adds a whole slew of functionality. Without it, your console will be pretty bare bones!

It’s been known for some time that the Wii U Internet browser will offer support for tabs. This is the first time that a Nintendo system will be making use of the functionality.

There is a bit of a limit that users should keep in mind. The browser supports up to six tabs in total.

This may seem like a small amount for some, but it’s certainly better than no tabs at all, right?

The SNES Donkey Kong Country games have magically disappeared from the North American Wii Shop Channel.

Europe will be receiving the same treatment, as the titles will be taken down on November 25. But in North America, there was absolutely no warning given about the removal of the Donkey Kong Country games.

And no, we still have no clue why Nintendo has decided to do this.

Rayman Legends isn’t the only Ubisoft Wii U game to be receiving a demo on the eShop. According to one of the game’s developers, a demo for ZombiU will be on the store as well.

It’s currently unknown when a demo will be made available. Sooner rather than later, hopefully.


Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward has a pretty significant bug. It’s so significant that, if encountered, your game could crash and save data may be corrupted.

On the bright side, publisher Aksys Games is looking into the situation. There’s no word on when a fix would be prepared, but hopefully something can be pushed out to players soon.

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Darksiders II trailer

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