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New rumors have started to surface regarding the Wii U’s capabilities.

Last night, we heard that the system was supposedly 20% less powerful than Microsoft’s next home console and today, a source speaking with Develop – originating from late 2011 – says that the Wii U will be twice as powerful as the Xbox 360. The site says it “could achieve roughly twice the processing and graphical potential of Microsoft’s current generation machine.”

Apparently some studios were expecting more power from the console.

Develop’s source said:

“I’ve heard [a project designer] complain it’s underpowered compared to what Nintendo announced, resulting in people having to de-scale their plans.

Along with this rumor, Develop has learned “that a prominent UK racing studio has committed to support Wii U with one project each year.”


3DS Downloadable Software

ARC STYLE: Spider Solitaire – 300 yen
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun Special Demo (Renegade) – FREE

Virtual Console

Nekketsu Beach Volley(ball) da yo Kunio-kun – 400 yen

Video Content

Kunio-kun videos


3DS – 80,960
PS3 – 21,155
PSP – 17,181
Vita – 15,219
Wii – 10,173
Xbox 360 – 1,588
DSi LL – 1,200
PS2 – 903
DSi – 822

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS – 100,668
PS3 – 30,332
PSP – 22,538
Vita – 18,361
Wii – 14,179
Xbox 360 – 1,519
DSi LL – 1,515
DSi – 1,206
PS2 766

How many of you will be picking this up on launch day?


01. [3DS] Mario Kart 7
02. [3DS] Monster Hunter Tri G
03. [3DS] Rhythm Thief & The Emperor’s Treasure
04. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
05. [360] Onechanbara Z: Kagura
06. [PSP] Phantasia Heroes
07. [3DS] Beyond the Labyrinth
08. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven GO
09. [PS3] Musou Orochi 2
10. [PSP] Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin II – Revelation of Evil God

This is the second time we’ve seen the Nintendo Network pop up on a 3DS boxart. I’m really starting to wonder what this is about… Is the logo simply a way of informing consumers that a certain game contains online functionality? Or is there more to it? There have been rumors pointing to the latter, but Nintendo hasn’t said anything officially.

Thanks to James S for the tip!

BurgerTime Deluxe will be hitting the Japanese eShop on February 1 for 500 yen.


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