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Star Fox 64 3D commercial

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

European 3DS owners should prepare themselves for another round of eShop downtime. The service will be unavailable starting August 30 at 19:00 to August 31 01:00 GMT.

There hasn’t been any news regarding maintenance in North America/Japan, but we’ll let you know if we hear anything.


Sonic CD was announced for practically every digital download platform earlier this week. As expected, WiiWare was left out of the mix.

SEGA simply said that there are restrictions that prevented the project from happening. I’m sure a big factor is the WiiWare file size limit. It’d probably be difficult to cram the game into 40 megabytes.

GamesRadar posted this earlier today:

“In an excuse that carries a whiff of that old ‘the SNES doesn’t have the technology to render blood’ chestnut, Sega has explained that the WiiWare platform lacks the chops necessary to replicate the CD-quality sound of the technologically-mindblowing-circa-1993 original – so, no Sonic CD for Wii owners.”


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