The 3DS is Nintendo’s primary focus at the moment. Even so, they’re still pumping out updates for the system’s younger brother, the DSi. The update quietly went live yesterday. Nintendo’s official site states the firmware 1.4.3U “provides behind-the-scenes improvements to system performance.” Something tells me that the update is also related to piracy prevention!
This information comes from Bethesda marketing VP Pete Hines…
“Our motto has always been: We want to make our games available to the widest audience possible on whatever platforms that will support the game. So to whatever extent new consoles fit with the kind of games we are making and support them technologically, we would certainly do that. The Wii wasn’t even an option – we would have to make wholesale changes to the games we were making on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC to make them work on Wii. I honestly know nothing about the tech specs of the new platforms (Wii U and Vita) and whether or not they are a good fit for what we are making with say Rage and Skyrim and Prey 2. If they are a good fit for the kind of games we are making then absolutely, we would look to put them out for those. But beyond that I can’t get into specifics.”
A comment comment from developers/publishers we’ve been hearing lately is that Wii U can provide experiences that the Wii could not. Also, they’ve been saying that the increase in technical specifications make it easier to work on a Nintendo platform. I am wondering just how much more powerful Wii U is compared to the PS3/360 though, since that’s something more industry members have been avoiding lately.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel – July 22nd
Driver: San Francisco – September 2nd
Driver Renegade – September 2nd
Might & Magic: Heroes VI – September 9th
Splinter Cell Trilogy HD – September 23rd
Motion Sports: Adrenaline – October 7th
Just Dance 3 – October 11th
Rayman Origins – November
Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 – November
The Black Eyed Peas Experience – Calendar 2011
Anno 2070 – Winter (Late December – Late March)
Ghost Recon Future Soldier – Q1 2012 (January-March)
And just when you thought the Active Life franchise was dead… Namco Bandai has taken a small breather with the series, last launching a title in 2009. The newest game, Magical Carnival, will be shipping over two years later.
Enjoy a Day at the Carnival with the Whole Family in the Newest Addition to the ACTIVE LIFE™ Game Series
SANTA CLARA, Calif., (June 30, 2011) – NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., today announced ACTIVE LIFE™: MAGICAL CARNIVAL™ exclusively for Wii™, the newest installment in the popular ACTIVE LIFE™ series. ACTIVE LIFE: MAGICAL CARNIVAL takes players on a fun-filled and family-friendly trip to the carnival as they use the Wii Remote™ and ACTIVE LIFE Mat Controller to explore exciting carnival attractions and complete a variety of energetic activities with modes for one to 10 players. ACTIVE LIFE: MAGICAL CARNIVAL is scheduled to be released throughout North America on October 25, 2011.
Enjoy the theme park of your dreams without ever leaving home! ACTIVE LIFE: MAGICAL CARNIVAL lets players explore an array of intriguing themed carnival attractions including haunted houses, a lively circus tent, a pirate ship on the high-seas, a colorful parade and exciting fantasy zone. A veritable thrill-ride of activities will keep the whole family moving as they tame lions, steer pirate ships, explore haunted houses, ride a flying carpet and much more.
Remember when Super Meat Boy was heading to WiiWare? Remember when it was going to be an exclusive release on consoles? Well, it’s funny how things turn out!
As many of you probably know, Super Meat Boy ended up missing its launch on WiiWare due to file size restrictions, so it was instead made available for other platforms such as Xbox Live Arcade.
After that disappointment, Team Meat hinted that they might bring Super Meat Boy to 3DS. Based on recent commentary from Team Meat co-founder Edmund McMillen, however, it doesn’t appear that plan will be happening any time soon.
“We said we’re approved as 3DS developers. We don’t have dev kits though – not many people do. At least that’s what we heard. Who knows, maybe they’re lying to us. We’ve asked about when we could get one and they said there’s stock coming, but we probably shouldn’t even talk about this. We were originally kind of into porting Meat Boy to it, but the game we’re working on now is very exciting and it probably won’t work on the 3DS. I don’t know if it will or not, or if it would be a good idea for it.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (3DS) – 7.5
Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident (Wii) – 6.0
NASCAR 2011: The Game (Wii) – 3.0
Reel Fishing Paradise 3D (3DS) – 6.0
Cars 2: The Video Game (Wii) – 7.0
Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (3DS) – 7.0
This is all we have right now, so I guess it’s better than nothing! Square Enix is working on the game’s first trailer which we’ll be able to share very soon.