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This batch of new screenshots looks particularly nice. It’s nice knowing that gamers all over the world will finally have a chance to play this in just one more week!


Man, am I exhausted! I slept through all three of my alarms this morning, and I’ve just been feeling totally out of energy all day. I guess E3 does that to you! Anyway, we’ve got our final podcast installment for E3 done and up for everyone to listen to. It goes over our time with the Wii U, my meeting with Majesco, some Mutant Mudds talk, and various other things. As always, post questions and we’ll get to em next podcast!

Right Click, “Save As” to Download

If you consider easter eggs to be spoilers, refrain from watching the video above!

Nintendo has received some negative feedback for basically hiding the Wii U console at E3. That’s because practically their entire E3 presentation focused on the system’s new controller, leading some folks to believe that Nintendo was simply creating a new peripheral for the Wii!

Obviously that isn’t true and pretty much everyone understands that now. But if you have any doubt, perhaps the shots of the Wii U hardware above will convince you!


This looks really, really nice. Way to go, Shin’en!


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