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The following trailers can be downloaded right now for the 3DS…

Ocarina of Time
Mario Kart
Luigi’s Mansion 2
Super Mario
Kid Icarus Uprising
Starfox 64
Paper Mario
Animal Crossing
RE: Revelations



Gearbox Software and SEGA Support Announcement Presentation at Nintendo’s E3 Press Briefing

LOS ANGELES (June 7, 2011) – SEGA® of America, Inc., SEGA® Europe Ltd. and Gearbox Software today revealed that Aliens: Colonial Marines™, is being prototyped and considered for the Nintendo Wii U™. In partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and developed by critically acclaimed studio Gearbox Software, Aliens: Colonial Marines for this new gaming console is currently under construction by a dedicated research and development branch within the studio.

“We are extremely thrilled about the potential of the Nintendo Wii U and are honored to be a part of the earliest efforts for research and development on the platform with the Aliens: Colonial Marines project that is so perfectly matched with the platform’s unique and exciting new capabilities,” said Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software. “As more details about the Nintendo Wii U emerge, Gearbox Software is equipped and motivated to engage and support the platform and its customers.”

Death’s epic adventure is scheduled to release on the Wii’s successor
AGOURA HILLS, Calif., Jun 07, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) —

THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) today announced that the upcoming sequel to its award-winning Action/Adventure title, Darksiders(R), is scheduled for release on Nintendo’s Wii U(TM) in calendar 2012.

The Wii U(TM) version of Darksiders(R) II will take advantage of Nintendo’s innovative new hardware with implemented functionality for the revolutionary controller.

– Technically only a cinematic
– Not an indication of a full game is being made
– IGN: Stunning lighting, fantastic textures and excellent animation are just the broad strengths of this demo
– Much attention given to environments
– Broad artistic style
– Every asset was clearly original
– Not an old game scaled up in resolution
– Starts with a slow-moving sequence showing the interior of a citadel or temple
– Isn’t clear that it’s Zelda until the camera starts to pivot upward
– Familiar symbol starts to become visible in the granite: Twilight Princess logo with the Triforce and wings
– Link goes into the temple to explore
– Gohma bursts through a window
– The two battle, don’t discover who wins
– Same sequence also shown at night to illustrate how the environment would change dynamically as time goes by
– Tablet had a full top-down map of the location
– Three icons as well
– Switch between night and day at any time with the icons
– Shift the camera between three multiple positions
– You can actually see Gohma crawling along the outside of the building before she confronts Link
– Third button: Pull the cinematic from the TV to the controller


Wii U specs

Posted 13 years ago by in News | 0 comments

Height of about a width of about 46mm × 172mm × Depth 268.5mm (excluding protrusions)

The new controller is 6.2 inches, 16:9 button controller that combines what is familiar and the touch screen, slide the two pads is attached.

Sitting down inside the Nokia Theater for the first time to see Nintendo’s E3 press conference was incredibly electric. Everyone knew that we’d be seeing the first of a new system today, and after each trailer finished and announcement was wrapped up, everything would lean forward hoping that the next order of business was the mysterious ‘Project Cafe’. After half an hour or so, our wishes were granted, and we saw footage of what everyone was waiting for. Still, I couldn’t help but feel a little underwhelmed at the whole thing.

Sure, the curtain was pulled back on the WiiU, we got some new info on games like Skyward Sword and Super Mario 3D, and there were a plethora of new game announcements from third party developers, but at the end of the day, everything felt a little under-done.


Super Mario
Luigi’s Mansion 2
Mario Kart
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
Star Fox 64 3D
Animal Crossing
Paper Mario
Picture Lives!
The Rolling Western


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Kirby Wii
Wii Play: Motion
Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident
Mario Party 9
Rhythm Heaven
Fortune Street.


Kirby Mass Attack
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
Super Fossil Fighters

Kirby Wii screenshots

Posted 13 years ago by in Screenshots, Wii | 1 Comment

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