Hideo Kojima sent out this sneak peak of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D on his Twitter account earlier today:
As we’ve been expecting, Kojima confirmed that the title will be playable at E3 next week. It’s also likely that Konami will feature the title at their pre-E3 conference tomorrow.
In addition to posting the image above, Kojima shared a few gameplay tidbits. It looks like the title will support gyro functionality. You may also notice that the photo has a look at the touch screen in action. According to a separate Twitter post, you can swap weapons by interacting with the screen. Simply press the desired weapon and you’ll be good to go. Oh, and you can duck and walk at the same time.
Where is all of this 3DS eShop news coming from? Your guess if as good as mine, since I have no idea! Another report has surfaced about the upcoming service. Specifically, it looks like Excitebike will also be a free download the the eShop launches next week. More details can be seen below.
– Limited time offer
– Enhanced NES port
– Two racing modes
– You can race alone for the best time or play against rivals
– Can save up to 32 tracks in the track editor
– Possible to adjust the 3D effect in-game or with the slider
Nintendo’s first, original eShop release seems to be a new title called “Pokedex 3D.” I’m not quite sure where this information originated from since Nintendo has yet to make an official announcement. Having said that, this does appear to be the real deal. We’ve posted the first screenshots and details for you below.
– Contains all new Pokemon from Black/White
– Look up information about the Pokemon including their moves all for free
– Over 150 Pokemon
– SpotPass support
– Uses Augmented Reality
– Begin with 16 Pokemon
– Unlock more by scanning QR Codes, SpotPass, or by trading data with friends (most likely through StreetPass)
– SpotPass limit is three random Pokemon per day
– View the Pokemon in 3D
– Rotate them in full 360 degrees
– Pokedex has filters and bookmarking functionality
– Augmented Reality: Display Pokemon in pictures taken through the 3DS camera
Nintendo has released yet another trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. It contains over four minutes of glorious sword-swinging and adventuring action that fans will remember from the N64 title. Fortunately, only three weeks remain before this first must-have 3DS titles arrives on store shelves.
The two images above have been going around today as screenshots of a Metroid Project Cafe title, but, no, they aren’t real. Actually, they were actually taken from a Mass Effect 2/Unreal Tournament III mod. Still, it’s a bit fun to take a look at the many, many fake images created right before E3. And something tells me these aren’t the last fan-made screenshots we’ll see before the show…
Yakuza of the End (PS3) – 10/9/9/9
Red Faction: Armageddon (PS3/360) – 9/9/8/8
Fish On (3DS) – 6/6/6/7
Square Enix have started their prepartions for this year’s E3. The company has opened an official site for the trade show today. Although it’s barren at the moment, the site promises daily updates and news. Square Enix’s E3 2011 lineup will most likely be revealed for the end of the week.
This information comes from Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert…
“E3 coming up… it’s exciting! Three of our games are at the show! That has to be some kind of record for a small company like Q right?”
Out of those three games, it’d be great if at least one of them is Nintendo-related. Q-Games has collaborated with Nintendo in the past. Most recently, the company released three titles for the DSiWare service.