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Treasure Report details

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments

– Full title is Treasure Report: Kikai Shikake no Isan
– Puzzle solving adventure game
– Scenario from Yukinori Kitajima (428, Okamiden, Chaos Rings, Imabikisou)
– Yasunori Mitsuda working on music (Chrono Cross, Xenoblade)
– Character designs from Gurihiru
– Follows the exploits of a reporter named John Evans
– Other characters: newcomer cameraman Emily Smith, a mysterious kid named Nino, and a dog named Poochie
– Story involves a missing adventure novelist and a search for a great fortune
– Three gameplay parts
– Story, investigation, puzzle solving components
– Story will be a slightly adult adventure mystery
– Abundant animation sequences
– Use the stylus to point to mysterious spots while investigating
– Puzzle solving: figure out clues and devices that you discover during your investigation
– Releasing May 20 in Japan


Treasure Report coming to DS

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments

And you thought the DS was dead, did you? Think again! Famitsu has the scoop on Treasure Report, a new title for the handheld. No details yet, but expect some information shortly.

New AR Games details

Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

AR Shot

– Combination of pool and miniature golf
– Aim the ball with a cue stick
– Hit the ball around the course
– Need to land the ball in the hole at the far end of the course
– Walk around the surface of the table to take shots from different angles


– Table becomes a fishing pond
– Lower and raise your rod into the water to pull out bigger and bigger fish
– Shark may pop out of the water eventually


– 3D drawing app
– Use different paintbrushes
– Visual effects available including fire
– Manipulate your work with the 3DS buttons to make it spin around or bounce

So, the final lineup of AR Games is Fishing, Graffiti, AR Shot, Mii Pics and Star Pics. Also, Wired reports that players will be able to use imported Miis from your Wii console in Star Pics.


nintendogs + cats (3DS) – 10/9/9/10
Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy (PSP) – 10/9/10/9
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles (3DS) – 9/9/8/8
Super Street Fighter IV 3D (3DS) – 9/8/8/9

Way of the Samurai 4 (PS3) – 8/8/8/9
PES 2011 3D (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
Professor Layton and the Mask or Miracle (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
Ridge Racer 3D (3DS) – 8/8/7/9
Super Monkey Ball 3D (3DS) – 9/8/8/7
Shanghai 3D Cube (3DS) – 7/7/7/5
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D (3DS) – 6/6/6/6
Puzzle Bobble 3D (3DS) – 6/6/6/6

The latest edition of Iwata Asks contains an interesting piece of information about one of Namco Bandai’s more esteemed employees. As was revealed in the interview, Ridge Racer 3D producer Yozo Sakagami came very close to working at Konami. Sakagami actually planned on applying to the company, but accidentally dialed Namco Bandai’s number instead as a result of a mix-up with katakana characters. Of course, we now know that the error led to Sakagami’s future with Namco Bandai.

Sakagami: Yes, but I actually wanted to get into KONAMI!

Iwata: Huh?

Sakagami: I was going to apply to KONAMI, but (in Japanese, ) their names are both composed of three katakana characters, so I got confused and applied to NAMCO! (laughs)

Iwata: Are you serious? (laughs)

Sakagami: Yes! A friend of mine was working at KONAMI. I told him I was thinking about getting into the gaming industry and he said I should give it a shot. At the time, KONAMI was headquartered in Kobe.

Iwata: Not far from your home in Nishinomiya.

Sakagami: Right. So I put in a phone call, but got NAMCO instead!

Iwata: (laughs) So if you hadn’t dialed the wrong number, you might not be sitting here today. (laughs)

Sakagami: Maybe not. (laughs)


de Blob 2 videos

Posted 14 years ago by in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Australian based games developer Nnooo has revealed details of their new game under development for Nintendo WiiWare which they will be showcasing at this year’s GDC. Titled escapeVektor: Chapter 1, the game is a retro styled arcade game in which the player controls Vektor, an entity trapped inside the player’s Wii™ (click here to access the video).

The player has to help Vektor escape the Wii’s CPU which has been holding him captive. In making his escape, Vektor must avoid enemies sent out by the CPU. Each enemy type has different hunting patterns and intelligence, and as the player completes the various levels in the game, escape becomes more difficult. New abilities unlock to help the player outwit and destroy the CPU’s army.

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