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Steel Diver details

Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

– Submarine and periscope modes in the Nintendo World 2011 demo
– Submarine mode is set from a side perspective
– Guide the submarine to a goal
– Take out obstacles and enemy ships
– Avoid enemy fire
– Control the submarine through a control panel on the touch screen
– Slider controls on the control panel to dive and rise to the surface
– Can also make the submarine move forward and in reverse
– Completely stop the ship by centering both sliders
– Dash to the water’s surface by keeping the horizontal slider centered and moving the vertical slider all the way to the top
– Missiles and masker controls
– Fire missiles up or forward
– Use missiles to destroy obstacles and other ships
– Use masker to mask your ship when enemies are firing missiles at you
– Masker depletes your air supply
– Have to rush to the surface to replenish air supply when your air is running out
– Map of the stage on the touch screen
– Zoom in on the map close to your submarine
– Zoom out to show the full play field
– Map marks where you’re going and shows islands and obstacles
– Takes time for the ship to adjust height and speed
– Controls change based on the submarine you’re using
– Choose your submarine before a mission
– One ship appears to allow for its angle to be turned up and down
– One mission: Swim from left to right, large island obstacle in the middle of the stage, need to dodge it by going below it, first have to get boulders out of the way with missiles, enemy ships present as well
– Ship will never move too fast, even at top speed
– Periscope mode: Control the ship’s periscope
– 360 degree view
– Fire at ships passing by
– Zoom in and out, dive and surface with slider controls
– Gyro-based controls for periscope (like Zelda, optional)
– Can use a slider to control periscope as well
– Periscope mode stage: Ships pass by, don’t try to fire at you, some ships in the distance required timing to hit the moving target
– Ship will flood when you’re hit by a missile
– Can repair damaged areas with the stylus
– “download play” option was in the menu


Yes, this is a completely random post, but Miyamoto’s face just looks too funny for me to pass up on sharing the photo with you guys! The man on the left is Takashi Tezuka, who has worked on a ton of titles for Nintendo.


PS3 – 59,612
Wii – 56,547
DSi LL – 44,122
DSi – 38,486

PSP – 28,757
DS Lite – 4,510
PSP go – 4,084
Xbox 360 – 3,859
PS2 – 2,547

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week.

PSP – 99,703
Wii – 77,307
PS3 – 76,422
DSi – 48,039
DSi LL – 47,798

PSP go – 9,083
DS Lite – 3,741
Xbox 360 – 3,708
PS2 – 2,480

1. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
2. [Wii] Donkey Kong Country Returns
3. [Wii] Wii Party
4. [Wii] Mario Sports Mix
5. [DS] Ni no Kuni
6. [DS] Pokemon Black/White
7. [Wii] Wii Sports Resort
8. [DS] SaGa 3: Shadow or Light
9. [Wii] Super Mario All-Stars Limited Edition
10. [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!

Nintendo is one for the silent protagonist. With the exception of the Star Fox games, all of Nintendo’s main characters have never spoken. That has started to change, though. In Metroid: Other M, the developers gave Samus a voice. Most fans didn’t like what she had to say, or the fact that she was speaking at all. Others – such as myself – saw it as a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, we are few and far between.

3DS region-clock

– Unconfirmed
– Sounds like the 3DS will be region-locked
– DSi was region-locked, DS/Lite were not
– Primary reason Nintendo does region-locking is for piracy

3DS Game Coins

– Shown in screenshots/video
– Different theories about what it actually does

The images above apparently come from yet another Taiwanese 3DS fan who somehow managed to get his hands on the system. A bunch of photos were taken, most of which provide a look at the system’s innards.

Thanks to Captain N for the tip!


The screenshots above are from the PSP title, but you can expect the 3DS version to look very similar. BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2 will be released in Japan on March 31.

Famitsu review scores

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments

Love Zombie (DS) – 9/8/8/8
Venus & Braves: Majo to Megami to Horobi no Yogen (PSP) – 8/8/8/7
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (PS3/360) – 8/8/7/8
Kaijuu Busters Powered (DS) – 8/7/7/7
Kinect Joy Ride (360) – 7/7/7/7

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