01./01. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) – 268,212 / 2,708,000 (-47%)
02./03. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Friend Collection) (Nintendo) – 185,502 / 2,502,000 (-18%)
03./02. [NDS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (Nintendo) – 126,303 / 418,000 (-57%)
04./04. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix) – 111,705 / 1,802,000 (-41%)
05./06. [WII] Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo) – 105,427 / 1,421,000 (-7%)
06./05. [NDS] Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (Pokemon Co.) – 74,658 / 3,539,000 (-40%)
07./07. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 2: Threat of the Invaders – Fire/Blizzard (Level 5) – 68,769 / 976,000 (-31%)
08./08. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) – 67,867 / 1,636,000 (-6%)
09./12. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable 2 (SEGA) – 44,334 / 506,000
10./10. [NDS] Prof. Layton and the Devil’s Flute (Level 5) – 43,254 / 602,000 (-32%)
Wii – 163,855
PSP – 132,911
PS3 – 114,368
DSi – 92,461
DSi LL – 70,643
DS Lite – 17,388
Xbox 360 – 6,878
PS2 – 4,023
PSP go – 3,903
For comparison’s sake, here are the numbers from December 21 (last week).
Wii – 215,129
DSi – 113,984
PS3 – 110,519
PSP – 105,801
DSi LL – 81,430
DS Lite – 17,695
Xbox 360 – 6,489
PSP go – 4,192
PS2 – 3,747
New Beat-‘Em-Up Boasts Monsters, Mayhem and Meat Meteor Showers to Spice up Your Spring
Bristol, United Kingdom, January 7, 2010 – Ahoy Matey! Pull up anchor and get ready to set sail in search of stolen booty as Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, today announced Pirates Plund-Arrr for Wii™. In this fun and frantic beat-‘em-up, players hunt the high seas for the renegade captain Rudebelly who has stolen the Sceptre of Power and unleashed an army of cursed dead, ghastly ghouls and menacing bosses.
In Pirates Plund-Arrr, players will fight through creature-filled areas like a murky swamp, an underwater city, and a haunted village to ultimately face-off against the scallywag Rudebelly and retrieve their stolen treasure. Its serious business in a game that doesn’t take itself too seriously: would-be pirates can ride warthogs for “drive-by style” attacks, battle hulking slug bosses and trigger meat meteor showers raining down from above. These cute, but dangerous, swashbucklers will take on more than 40 diverse enemies – including skeletons, slimefish, mummies and lots of other nasties that want to ruin an otherwise pleasant Caribbean adventure. It’s a good thing that players have cool combo attacks and a bounty of weapons, from razor-sharp meat cleavers to flaming axes, to ensure that mowing down monsters never loses its appeal! Players can also use the environment to their advantage by picking up rocks and barrels to hurl or simply snatching up the baddies themselves to toss them overboard. As players progress, they’ll gain XP points that will earn them perks and upgrades that will cause more damage to enemies. In addition, Pirates Plund-Arrr, lets 4 mates plunder together for 4-player co-op, beat-em action!
Developed by Boomzap, Pirates Plund-Arrr for Wii™ is expected to release later this year in Europe. For additional information about Majesco’s exciting line of products, please visit www.majescoentertainment.com.
Earlier this week, Antoine Seux from Capcom’s French division told Gamekult that “the future is the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.” Capcom wasn’t entirely pleased with that comment and therefore has released a general statement in response.
“Further to comments made in a recent article on French website Gamekult, Capcom would like to confirm its commitment as a multi-platform developer and publisher of interactive software.”
Most gamers probably associate Suda 51 with creating the No More Heroes franchise. While Marvelous Entertainment and Spike took charge of publishing the first No More Heroes in Japan, Ubisoft handled the title in North America.
Now Suda 51 is helping Ubisoft out a bit by promoting Just Dance. That’s right – you can watch Suda 51 talk about his experience with the game and more importantly, you can watch him dance a little!
[flashvideo file=http://www.nintendoeverything.com/uploads/justdance_suda.flv /]