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Bandai Namco

Bandai Namco has shared new details about some of the characters in Tales of the World: Reve Unitia. You’ll find details about a whole bunch of them below.

– Ludger Will Kresnik (Tales of Xillia 2): Ludger uses three weapons out of twin swords, twin pistols, and a hammer
– Julius Will Kresnik (Tales of Xillia 2): Julius the gentleman will fight using his twin swords
– Flynn Scifo (Tales of Vesperia): Flynn will take on a tank role, as he uses his heavy armor to act as a shield for his allies
– Rubia Natwick (Tales of the Tempest): Rubia puts her healing and offensive magic to use, making her one of the more versatile party members
– Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss): Guy has low defense, but prides himself in his speed
– Norma Beatty (Tales of Legendia): Norma’s role will be that of a buffer with debuffs for enemies and enhancements for allies
– Sophie (Tales of Graces): Sophie uses all kinds of different artes from her “Martial Assault Artes” style
– Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss): Luke is a power-type fighter who puts his elemental attacks to good use
– Zelos Wilder (Tales of Symphonia): Zelos is an all-rounder, who uses various artes as a Magic Swordsman that help out in offense and defense
– Presea Combatir (Tales of Symphonia): Presea’s role is a heavy-hitting damage dealer, who uses the power of her axe
– Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia): Rita excels at doing high damage output with a large arsenal of powerful spells
– Leon Magnus (Tales of Destiny): The hero from Tales of Destiny will show off his excellent swordsmanship in combat
– Raven (Tales of Vesperia): Raven’s another one of the characters on the versatile side, as he uses his bow and spells, including some healing capabilities
– Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia): Colette fights using her light-based magic, called Angel Skills
– Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia): I’m not sure if Milla will have access to the Four Great Spirits, but she’ll be using artes from their respective elements in combat
– Cress Albane (Tales of Phantasia): The Tales of Phantasia protagonist Cress will also be putting his hones swordsmanship to use with powerful attacks on the battlefield


According to a Bandai Namco representative, there are no plans to bring Tales of the World: Reve Unitia to the west… at least for now. Perhaps that’ll change in the future? Bandai Namco has been more consistent with Tales localizations over the past few years, so maybe a western launch will happen one day.


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