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With Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus arriving on Switch today, Bethesda has issued a new launch trailer. Have a look at the video below.

After it was announced for the system several months ago, Wolfenstein II arrives on Switch tomorrow. Find a video below comparing it to the PC version, along with the first 19 minutes.

Wolfenstein II launches on Switch this week. But what about Wolfenstein: The New Order, the last game main in the series? Or how about The New Order’s standalone prequel Wolfenstein: The Old Blood?

Unfortunately, at least for the time being, there aren’t any plans for either of these titles on Switch. Adam Creighton, studio head at developer Panic Button, told GameSpot in a new interview:

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Wolfenstein: Youngblood is one of the new games Bethesda announced at E3 last week. The company didn’t share many details in the end though, and technically hasn’t confirmed platforms. But GameStop did end up taking pre-orders for a Switch version following the reveal.

Fast forward a few days later, and that listing is nowhere to be seen. It’s not a good sign, but no confirmations have been made either way.

The one concerning thing we’ll mention here is that we noticed how Bethesda’s UK department has provided tentative boxarts for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Switch did not have a similar packaging image. Again, it’s still not a confirmation, but it’s looking a bit less likely that Wolfenstein: Youngblood will end up on Switch. We’ll keep an eye on things either way.


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Those who are looking to get a head start on the digital version of Wolfenstein II can do so with the new pre-load option. The game can be purchased and downloaded in advance. Then on launch day, you’ll only need to connect online once to begin playing.

Wolfenstein II launches June 29. The digital version takes up 21.8GB of space.

Source: Switch eShop

Wolfenstein II

This information comes from Adam Creighton, the head of Panic Button…

After an announcement at the Bethesda E3 conference, Fallout Shelter was added to the Switch eShop last night. Watch the official trailer below.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood

One of the new games Bethesda announced during its E3 conference last night was Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Not a whole lot of information was shared, including platforms.

Interestingly, GameStop has just added in a Switch listing for Wolfenstein: Youngblood. It doesn’t officially confirm a release on the console, but certainly makes things interesting. You can even pre-order it here.

Here’s a brief overview and trailer for Wolfenstein: Youngblood:

Set in 1980, 19 years after BJ Blazkowicz ignited the second American Revolution, Wolfenstein®: Youngblood introduces the next Blazkowicz generation to the fight against the Nazis. Play as one of BJ’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph, as you search for your missing father in Nazi-occupied Paris

Thanks to Jes T for the tip.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Nintendo World Report has posted a new video of Wolfenstein II running in portable mode on Switch. View the footage below.

Fallout Shelter got a surprise release on Nintendo Switch following Bethesda’s E3 press conference. NintenDaan took a look at the game and recorded about 18 minutes of footage, which you can see below:

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