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LEGO The Hobbit boxart

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Wii U | 1 Comment

Warner Bros. Interactive has shared the boxart for LEGO The Hobbit. You can find it below.



North America’s Mario Kart 8 boxart has been spotted on Nintendo’s official page for the game. As shown above, it appears to feature a red case. Kind of interesting to see!

Source, Via

First, let’s take a look at the standard boxart for Ace Attorney 123: Wright Selection, which is finally available at a decent size:


And here’s the limited edition boxart for the game:


Amazon France has posted the European boxart for Mario Kart 8, shared above. It looks to be the same as its Japanese counterpart. As a tiny word of caution, Amazon says the boxart is a placeholder, but it seems pretty darn near final to me!

Source, Via

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