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Devolver Digital

I Hate Running Backwards

Today, Devolver Digital is publishing I Hate Running Backwards on the eShop. Watch a Switch-specific launch trailer below.

I Hate Running Backwards

Later this week, Devolver Digital will be publishing I Hate Running Backwards on Switch. Have a look at some footage below.

I Hate Running Backwards

I Hate Running Backwards initially released a few months ago. The Switch version is now complete, and will arrive this month. The North American and European eShops both show a release date of October 19.

Here’s an overview and trailer for I Hate Running Backwards:

Since the invention of Twitter, important scrolls have become a thing of the past. However, The Messenger tasks you with taking a scroll of upmost importance, from west to east; or for those unfamiliar with side scrollers, that means from left to right. Action and platforming in 8bit style graphics may be where your adventure starts but like a ninja in the shadows, there’s more to this game than meets the eye.

Reigns: Kings & Queens

Reigns: Kings & Queens is out today on the Switch eShop. Devolver Digital published a launch trailer, which we have below.

Reigns: Kings & Queens

Devolver Digital will be publishing Reigns: Kings & Queens on Switch next Thursday on the eShop. Take a look at some footage below.

Downwell is coming to Switch, Devolver Digital and Moppin revealed during today’s Japanese Nintendo Direct. It wasn’t in the overseas version of the presentation, but expect a worldwide release.

Devolver has also followed up with confirmation that tate mode will be supported.

Reigns: Kings & Queens

Devolver Digital will be publishing yet another game on Switch very soon. Reigns: Kings & Queens, comprised of both games Reigns and Reign: Her Majesty, arrives via the eShop on September 20.

Here’s overviews and trailers for both:

To celebrate today’s release, Devolver Digital has prepared a launch trailer for Broforce. You can watch it below.

Broforce, the latest Switch title published by Devolver Digital, is out today on the eShop. We have some footage in the video below.

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