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Fire Emblem Heroes

Just like they did for Michalis, the Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account has revealed the team with the collective lowest rarity that successfully beat the recently held Navarre Grand Hero Battle. No singers or dancers were used and the units had no skills inherited. The team was 3-star Donnel, 3-star Sophia, 2-star Wrys and 3-star Michalis, all of them at level 40.

So there you have it – you don’t need to be lucky and have tons of 5-star units to beat the toughest challenges Fire Emblem Heroes has to offer.


A new series of quests, Flier Mastery, has started in Fire Emblem Heroes. It task players with completing various missions while using a team of only flying characters. The quests will be available until May 1.

Last night, Fire Emblem Heroes added in some new content, including additional paralogue maps. Watch some footage of the latest updates below.

Fire Emblem Heroes new content, focusing on characters from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, is now live. A summoning focus featuring four characters – Alm, Lukas, Clair, and Faye – will run until April 26. There are also new Paralogues where players face off against the characters. There are also Quests based around completing the Paralogues, which will be live until the 26th as well.

Nintendo has released a trailer showing new characters that are on the way to Fire Emblem Heroes. On April 14, the game will be adding Alm, Clair, Lukas, and Faye. A new Paralogue, “World of Shadows” will be available on the same day.

Here’s the video:

With the new Sacred Seals feature being added to Fire Emblem Heroes, the game now features some Quests and log-in bonuses running until April 28. By completing various Quests, players can earn Sacred Seals, as well as a few characters and orbs. Furthermore, until the event ends, players can earn 2 Orbs each day as a log-in bonus.

Furthermore, the rewards for the Voting Gauntlet have now been distributed: by logging in, players will recieve 20 Orbs, 5 of each Great Badge, and 5,000 Universal Crystals.

The latest patch for Fire Emblem Heroes has led dataminers to uncover more Heroes, who will be characters from the upcoming Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The characters Alm, Lukas, Faye, and Clair all appear to be coming to the mobile game, along with a paralogue featuring them. It’s uncertain when these will go live, but it stands to reason that it will be soon, to coincide with Fire Emblem Echoes’ release on April 20. Full artwork for all the characters can be viewed in a gallery below:

Source, Source

Nintendo has distributed the new Fire Emblem Heroes update, bringing the game up to version 1.2.0. It’s out now on both iOS and Android.

Below are the patch notes:

The Wyvern Riders vs. Pegasus Knights Voting Gauntlet has come to a close in Fire Emblem Heroes, and, unsurprisingly, Camilla has beaten Minerva to claim the top place. There were 61,714,848,034 total votes cast, and all players will recieve rewards for the Gauntlet in the future.

Update 1.2.0 is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes, and to implement it, the game will undergo maintenance, during which you won’t be able to play. The maintenance will last about 5 hours; exact times are below:

  • 12 AM (April 12th) – 5 AM (April 12th) in Europe
  • 7 AM (April 12th) – 12 PM (April 12th) in Japan
  • 6 PM (April 11th) – 11 PM (April 11th) in the US (East Coast)

Although we don’t know for sure, it’s likely that this is the big April update that has been teased for a while now, which will add features like 99 max stamina, the ability to swap the starting positions of your units before battle, and more.

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