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Fire Emblem Heroes

Update: The game is also available in Europe.

Fire Emblem Heroes is now available in the iOS and Google Play stores in Japan. Other territories are sure to follow over the course of the day, so stay tuned!

Fire Emblem Heroes is releasing soon, and the My Nintendo page has updated with some rewards for playing. The rewards are very basic: you will earn 100 Platinum Coins for linking the game to a My Nintendo account, and then will earn another 100 Platinum Coins for completing chapters. The website lists a prologue and nine chapters, meaning that you can earn 1100 Platinum Coins total.

There are also several rewards that you can claim for the game itself. They all purchasable with Platinum Points, with prices as follows:

  • 10 Orbs – Free with My Nintendo account
  • 500 Universal Crystals – 100 Platinum Coins
  • Stamina Potion – 100 Platinum Coins
  • Light’s Blessing – 100 Platinum Coins
  • Dueling Crest – 100 Platinum Coins
  • 500 Universal Shards – 100 Platinum Coins
  • Source

    This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima…

    I will now talk about the third smart-device application, following Miitomo and Super Mario Run, that Nintendo will release, Fire Emblem Heroes. Distribution for both the iOS and Android versions of Fire Emblem Heroes will begin tomorrow, February 2, in 39 countries worldwide.

    The Fire Emblem series is a franchise that is supported enthusiastically by fans in their 20s and 30s in particular. The series has become especially popular overseas since the titles on the Nintendo 3DS.

    Several new Fire Emblem Heroes previews popped up today. The Verge, GamesBeat, IGN, Polygon, and GameXplain each had impressions with new details. NeoGAF’s Nirolak was kind enough to round up all of the information.

    Read the full summary below. While a few of the tidbits were covered in a post earlier today, we’re including them here as well to have one all-encompassing post.

    Are you wondering who the main developer is behind Fire Emblem Heroes? Well, it’s none other than Intelligent Systems. IGN reports on the news and also shares the the team is receiving assistance from Nintendo and DeNA.

    Intelligent Systems might be a mobile game, but the franchise is still sticking with Fire Emblem’s primary developer. Fans can rest easy knowing that it’s in good hands.


    The Japanese Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account put up a brief series of questions and answers about the mobile game a few hours ago. Serenes Forest member VincentASM has now translated everything fully.

    During the Q&A session, Nintendo hinted at a support conversation / marriage system to come. A log-in bonus is confirmed as well.

    Continue on below for the full Q&A.

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    Fire Emblem Heroes will operate somewhat similarly to Super Mario Run in that an internet connection is required online. The Verge also obtained a statement from Nintendo confirming that it “connects to servers intermittently”.

    “However, the game connects to servers intermittently, and the amount of data used is within the normal range you could expect for smart device games,” Nintendo says.

    Fire Emblem Heroes officially launches on February 2.


    The release of Fire Emblem Heroes is just 2 days away, but quite a few of the game’s details are still unknown at this point. Thankfully, a couple members of the press got the chance to try out the game for an hour last weekend. Below, we’ve compiled all of the new info from GameXplain’s and Polygon’s preview:

    • You can view all of a character’s special illustrations on their status screen and listen to their voiced lines
    • Units have “Assist Skills”, which can be activated when they’re standing next to an ally
    • Bow users still deal extra damage to flying enemies
    • Your chances of getting a Hero with a high star count increase each time you don’t get one when Summoning Heroes using Orbs (the game’s gacha system)
    • If a unit reaches level 20, they can rank up, which increases their star count by 1
    • The game’s first limited-time event apparently is centered on Lissa
    • Story missions have several difficulty levels – Normal, Hard and Lunatic, with higher difficulties yielding better rewards, but requiring more Stamina to play
    • There are different summoning “banners”, which each focus on a different group of Heroes
    • You can turn off combat animations, portrait cut-ins and voice overs
    • Special skills need several turns to charge; they are then used automatically next time the character attacks
    • At any time during a battle, you can spend one Orb to revive and heal all your units – you can also use this to resume a mission if you get a Game Over
    • There is an auto battle option
    • Each character has a brief biography that describes their character and which Fire Emblem game they’re from
    • The Arena uses a different Stamina mechanic called Dueling Swords – you get three Dueling Swords per day, and you need to use one to fight in the Arena. You can use Orbs to refill your Dueling Swords.
    • You can use Orbs to upgrade your Castle, which is essentially your base – the first upgrade costs 1 Orb and permanently increases all experience gained by 20%
    • You can also change the design of your castle
    • Nintendo Treehouse localized the game

    Source 1 Source 2

    Fire Emblem Heroes

    Nintendo has said that Fire Emblem Heroes will be out this week. Officially, the game is said to be launching on February 2. In the west though, it may actually be releasing sooner than that.

    An email from a Nintendo customer support representative says that Fire Emblem Heroes arrives at 7 AM in Japan on February 2. If we start seeing the game around the rest of the world at roughly the same time, we could be getting it on Wednesday at 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET / 10 PM in the UK / 11 PM in Europe.


    In Japan, Fire Emblem Heroes places a limit on the amount of cash that can be paid by minors. These players will only be able to spend 12,000 yen on the game each month. Other mobile titles in Japan have integrated a similar “safety guard” of sorts.

    Fire Emblem Heroes launches on both iOS and Android on February 2. It’s the first free-to-play mobile game from Nintendo.


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