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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes is once again hosting a single-day Bound Hero Battle paired with a matching Summoning Focus. Today’s Bound Hero Battle features Alm and Faye, and the 5-star Summoning Focus features Alm: Hero of Prophecy, Faye: Devoted Heart, and Celica: Warrior Priestess. These will only be available for one day only, so be sure to take part!

Additionally, a new Tactics Drills map is available: Pirate Royalty (Skill Studies, Hard)

Intelligent Systems is once again putting forth another single-day Bound Hero Battle and Summoning Focus in Fire Emblem Heroes. Today’s Bound Hero Battle event features Tibarn & Caineghis, and the 5-star Summoning Focus features Tibarn: Lord of the Air, Caineghis: Gallia’s Lion King, and Reyson: White Prince.

These will only be available for today, so be sure to take part while they are around!

In addition, players can now pre-register for the latest Røkkr Sieges event. Players can receive rewards including Orbs or Hero Feathers based on their performance and Divine Codes (Ephemera 8) for clearing quests.

Lastly, the latest Mjölnir’s Strike has entered its Shield Phase. Mjjölnir’s Strike 31 features Delthea: Tatarrah’s Puppet.

Fire Emblem Heroes is now hosting a  5-star Summoning Focus featuring Forsyth: Loyal Lieutenant, Python: Apathetic Archer, and Lukas: Sharp Soldier. Bound Hero Battle: Forsyth and Python is also now live. Both these events will be available until August 19.

Additionally, another single-day Bound Hero Battle and Summoning Focus is now live. Bound Hero Battle: Jeorge & Gordin and a Summoning Focus featuring Jeorge: Perfect Shot, Gordin: Altean Archer, and Hardin: Dark Emperor are available for one day only. Be sure to take part while you can.

A new summoning focus has dropped in Fire Emblem Heroes and this one features heroes that have gained new skills. These heroes will be featured alongside the new weapon skills Setsuna’s Yumi & Tome of Order and a new weapon to refine- Bright Naginata. 

The Resplendent Hero Olwen is also available to Feh Pass subscribers. Olwen brings with her some new Feh quests that will run until August 24, 11:59pm PT. 

Finally, the Bound Hero Battle: Morgan & Morgan will be live for one more day as well as the summoning event featuring Morgan: Lad from Afar, Morgan: Lass from Afar, and Robin: High Deliverer.

Fire Emblem Heroes is getting some new content today in the form of the Pirate’s Pride event. This event features pirate-variant heroes available for summoning as well as a new paralogue containing these heroes. Additionally, the Bound Hero Battle for Titania & Mist will be live for one day only as well as the summoning event featuring Ike, Titania, and Mist. 

The next Resplendent Hero has also been announced as Eirika: Restoration Lady and will drop on August 25 at 12 AM PT. More info on this hero variant is available in the link below. 


Fire Emblem Heroes is once again hosting a Bound Hero Battle and Summoning Event coinciding with each other for a single day. The Bound Hero Battle features Bartre and Fir,  while the 5-star Summoning Focus features Bartre: Fearless Warrior, Fir: Sword Student, and Karla: Sword Vassal. As usual, the first summon for this event will not cost any orbs. This event will only be active for one day.

New maps have also been added. In Tactics Drills, Destructive Impulses (Grandmaster, Infernal), and in Quad Assault, 36th Assault.

Lastly, the Voting Gauntlet, Swimsuit Dispute, has ended. Byleth has won. Results and details can be viewed here.

Intelligent Systems have rolled out a new update for Fire Emblem Heroes: Version 4.8.0. Here’s a brief overview of what changed:

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Summoning Focus, Tempest Trials+. In this event, Tibarn: Lord of the Air, Veronica: Brave Princess, and Eyvel: Mistress of Fiana are featured as part of a 5-star summoning focus. To celebrate, a new series of log-in bonuses has also been made available starting today. This Summoning Focus will be available until August 18.

Additionally, another Bound Hero Battle is here for one day only featuring Cherche & Virion and a summoning event featuring Cherche: Wyvern Friend, Virion: Elite Archer, and Tiki: Naga’s Voice also for one day. Be sure to try and get these heroes while they are here!

Fire Emblem Heroes

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have shared a trailer for the next event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Pirate’s Pride will feature Tibarn, Brigid, Geese, Darros and Veronica (and Xander). A new Paralogue Story is also planned.

Fire Emblem Heroes – Pirate’s Pride goes live on August 7. View a trailer for the event below.

Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a Bound Hero Battle and Summoning Focus featuring variants of Elincia and Nephenee for one day only. For the duration of August 4, Elincia: Lost Princess, Nephenee: Fierce Halberdier, and Ike: Brave Mercenary will be a part of a 5-star summoning focus. Be sure to go for them while you can!

Additionally, there is a Bound Hero Battle including Elincia and Nephenee, also for one day only.

Lastly, the final part of the Voting Gauntlet, Swimsuit Dispute, is live. The finalists are Mia and Byleth. You can view details and results here.

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