Fire Emblem If dev talks more about why it’s split into two versions
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 30 Comments
At least in Japan, Fire Emblem If will come in two releases. Nintendo will distribute White Kingdom and Black Kingdoms as two unique items.
Speaking about the dual releases of Fire Emblem If with 4Gamer, Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami talked about how you’ll have a different impressions of the characters that appear in the game based on the side you choose.
He said:
I believe so; however, you’ll be plenty satisfied even just by playing one of the routes, so please play whichever one piques your interest. After that, if you get curious about what happens on the other route, give that a try. Once you learn about one route, the other one will become more profound.
More: Fire Emblem If, Hitoshi Yamagami, top
Another round of Fire Emblem If details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 12 Comments
More details about Fire Emblem If have been translated from 4Gamer’s new interview with the game’s developers. Some of this is a bit of rehash based on what we posted earlier today, but there are new tidbits sprinkled in as well.
Here’s the latest:
– Hoshido has a world map.
– Nohr has more complex maps. Besides the usual “defeat all of the enemies”/”defeat the general” maps, there will also be suppression, breakthroughs, defending bases, turn restrictions, amongst others.
– There are lots of map gimmicks.
– Both versions of the game contain the same characters. You’ll be shown different aspects of their personalities in accordance to the route you select.
– The downloadable version does not contain both sides. It does not lock the other route when you select one. You pay to receive everything up until chapter five, and once you make a decision, you will have to download everything from chapters six, onward, for the respectful route. The second download is free because you have already paid. If you want to try the alternative version, you have to buy DLC in the same way those with physical copies will.
– You can also save directly to your 3DS system (versus the cartridge).
– If you decide to buy the DLC, you can load your chapter 5 data and continue from that instead of starting from the beginning. Of course, you can restart if you’d like to.
– You’ll be able to experience an entire story by only playing one route. The other is a completely different story.
– The third path is in the middle of Hoshido and Nohr in terms of difficulty. People who began with Hoshido should still be able to complete the third path.
– You’ll be able to lower the difficulty in the middle of the game if you find Nohr too hard.
– You’ll still be able to connect with people who play the alternative version. (Probably means you can streetpass someone with Nohr despite playing Hoshido, and vice versa.)
– There will be various perks for connecting with other players.
Fire Emblem If launches in Japan on June 25 and in the west next year.
More: details roundup, Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem If, Japan
More differences revealed from Fire Emblem IF versions
Posted on 9 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
It would appear that there will be a few more differences between the upcoming Fire Emblem IF versions than was originally anticipated. Recently Project Manager Masahiro Higuchi from Intelligent Systems and Nintendo Producer Hitoshi Yamagami spoke with 4Gamer and talked about a few more differences in Fire Emblem IF Black and White Kingdom.
In the interview they discussed that the story is not the only difference between the two versions, the White Kingdom was created for fans who have joined the series with Fire Emblem Awakening or are playing a game in the series for the first time.
This is what Masahiro Higuchi had to say:
White Kingdom will indeed be easier, while Black Kingdom will have a much higher difficulty with limited money and experience points for leveling up your characters. Additionally, it will have more difficult conditions for clearing its stages. Defeating the enemy general or defeating all enemies are still the basic requirements, but it will also have other conditions such as suppress enemies, break through enemy lines, and defend your base. There will also be maps with limited turns.
There will also be a few more differences aside from just the story:
Yes. Of course the story will be completely different, but there will also be major differences in the maps and the way the game is played. The games are being made so that you can feel satisfied by playing just one, but I believe that if you were to play both, you would be rather surprised at their differences.
Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If selling out in Japan
Posted on 9 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
The latest entry in the Fire Emblem series doesn’t release for another couple of months, and preorders for the Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If are already selling out like mad. Luckily, Nintendo plans to replenish the stock and will be sending out another shipment to retailers in due time so more people can get their copy when the game comes out on June 25th in Japan.
What makes the Special Edition bundle of Fire Emblem If so special is it has a two-in-one cartridge that comes with both the White Kingdom and Black Kingdom versions of the game. Along with that, you’ll receive a special trading card for the upcoming Fire Emblem 0 TCG, an art book as well as a third storyline within the game. Just a note, if you plan on getting the game digitally, you’ll be able to decide which route you’d like to take half way through the game as opposed to being predetermined by the cartridge you pick up.
Fire Emblem If is also slated to come out this year in the west. Which side have you chosen?
More: Fire Emblem If, Japan
Fire Emblem card game starter decks to come with Fire Emblem If DLC codes for Marth and Lucina
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
New details have emerged about the Fire Emblem If card game, known as TCG Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).
A photo from Japanese website Inside Games provides a look at the “Dark War Volume”. This has a download code for “The Prince of Altea, Marth” while the “Awakening Volume” starter deck contains a code for “The Swordsman Who Goes By Marth, Lucina”. Additionally, the booster box features a preview card of the next series of cards and a code to get “Pegasus Knight Minerva” in Fire Emblem If.
There are also plans to release “White Kingdom” and “Black Kingdom” card series based on Fire Emblem If. Other than that, a third series known as “Trace of Blue Flames” is due out at some point.
Fire Emblem fans in Japan can purchase the first series of cards on June 25 – the same day Fire Emblem If launches. Pricing for the starter deck is set at 1,300 yen, and booster packs cost 350 yen.
More: Fire Emblem If, Japan, top
Latest Fire Emblem If trailer, now with subs
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
If you’re looking for a full translation of the new Fire Emblem (Fire Emblem If in Japan) trailer, YouTube user “shadowofchaos725” has you covered. Check out the video above for the new trailer with subtitles.
More: Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem If
A better look at the Fire Emblem If boxarts
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 7 Comments

We now have larger photos of the Fire Emblem If boxarts. You can find them below. Both versions are launching in Japan on June 25.
More: boxart, Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem If, Japan
Japan getting two versions of Fire Emblem If
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 14 Comments
Two versions of Fire Emblem If (unnamed in the west) are coming to Japan. In North America, there’s just one release planned, with the other coming as DLC.