Suda51 weighs in on possible Killer7 remake
Posted on 7 years ago by Tyler(@tylerlelliott) in GameCube, News | 10 Comments
In a recent interview with GameInformer, Goichi “Suda51” Suda discusses the game designer’s “strange approach” to development. While talking about developer Grasshopper Manufacture’s other remakes, Suda51 also considers the possibility of revisiting Killer7:
The thing about Killer7 is that, right now, it’s not easy to play that game anymore right now. That’s definitely something I’d like to maybe revisit and update.
This is not the first time Suda51 has explored the idea of remaking or remastering the game. Released in 2005, Killer7 was originally planned to be a GameCube exclusive. With the upcoming Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes scheduled to be released on the Switch in 2018, might we see older Grasshopper Manufacture games see remakes on the Nintendo console in the future?
More: Capcom, Goichi Suda, Grasshopper Manufacture, Killer7, Suda51
Suda51 talks No More Heroes 3
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle came out at the start of 2010. Since then, fans of the series have been left waiting as to when we’ll be seeing a third entry. Creator Goichi Suda – otherwise known as Suda51 – has spoken about the prospects every now and then over the years, though that hasn’t translated into an actual game.
Destructoid did ask Suda51 once again about No More Heroes 3. On that topic, he had this to say:
“It’s not going to be 20 years, I’m hoping it’ll be 10 years or maybe earlier than that. It might be like an indie game. No More Heroes fans’ voices are still strong, but young gamers have never heard of it, so I want to create something for them as well.”
Suda51 added that 2018 will be the 20th anniversary of Grasshopper, so he’d like to make some news related to No More Heroes. However, he did say “I’m not sure.”
More: Goichi Suda, interview, No More Heroes 3, Suda51
Suda51 wants to remake / remaster Killer7
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News | 8 Comments
Grasshopper Manufacture made Killer7 for the GameCube and PlayStation 2 in partnership with Capcom over a decade ago. Goichi Suda, known for his work on projects like No More Heroes, directed the game. Now he’s interested in seeing it return.
Speaking with Hardcore Gamer, Suda51 said:
Basically, you are staying faithful to the vision so that new audiences can see it as intended. That’s exciting. Are there any other old works that you have done that you are hoping to revisit, to give this type of remastering treatment?
I feel that Killer 7 is the hardest of my games to play. I want to and feel that I need to do something about that. A remake, or remaster or something like that… (Sly grin.)
More: Goichi Suda, interview, Killer7, Suda51
No More Heroes devs reflect on the game’s creation
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments
In an issue published towards the end of last year, EDGE included an article that provided insight into the development of No More Heroes (see what was said about the series’ future here). That piece has now been published online in full. Creator Suda51, battle programmer Toru Hironaka, and senior character artist Takashi Kasahara shared the No More Heroes commentary.
We’ve rounded up some of the interesting comments from EDGE’s article below. You’ll also find a few pieces of art. For the full piece, head on over to GamesRadar.
More: Goichi Suda, interview, No More Heroes, Suda51, Takashi Kasahara, top, Toru Hironaka
Fire Pro Wrestling creator Masato Masuda passes away
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories | 0 comments
Masato Masuda, known for his work on Fire Pro Wrestling, has died at the age of 48.
Suda51 passed along the sad news on Twitter today, writing:
The creator of Fire Pro-wrestling, Masato Masuda, has passed away. He was 48 years old, still young. I genuinely pray for his happiness in the next world. He was one of the greatest creators of video games and he was my direct teacher. Thank you for giving us our favorite Fire Pro-wrestling. You are the god of it.
In addition to Fire Pro Wrestling, Masuda worked prominently on a number of other titles and series, including F1 Triple Battle and Vasteel.
More: Goichi Suda, Masato Masuda, Suda51
Suda51 says his games are possible for Nintendo platforms, Big N is “always very important to us”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 5 Comments
Suda51’s games haven’t been on Nintendo platforms in recent years. We did see Liberation Maiden on 3DS, but that’s about it. Suda51 hasn’t put out any of his games on Wii U.
But what about the future? Suda51 did say “it’s a possibility” that his future titles will appear on Nintendo platforms while speaking with ExpansiveDLC. He also said the Big N is “always very important to us.”
Yeah of course, it’s a possibility. I guess we haven’t really announced anything yet for Wii U, but for 3DS we had Liberation Maiden.. consoles from Nintendo are always very important to us.
I still remember how, years ago, Suda51 was talking about bringing a new No More Heroes to Nintendo’s next-gen console. Wii U has been around for a year already – make it happen!