[Interview] The Return of IronFall Invasion! VD-Dev on New 3DS, campaign, multiplayer, and more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Interviews, New Nintendo 3DS | 37 Comments
We’ve been keeping close track of IronFall Invasion since its reveal last year. The game finally resurfaced during this month’s Nintendo Direct, and VD-Dev confirmed that its debut 3DS eShop project will be launching soon.
Since IronFall Invasion is just on the horizon, we thought we’d catch up with the studio’s Fernando Velez one final time. Velez shed more light on the game’s campaign, multiplayer, and much more.
Check out our full interview below!
NintendoEverything Book Club – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, PART 2
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features | 0 comments
Most of you don’t listen to our podcast, but if you did, you would know that we’ll be restarting the podcast-tied “Book Club” again all about the video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. If you’ve never heard of or participated in a book club, it’s pretty much what it sounds like: We all play a game at sort of the same pace, and every week we discuss in detail that week’s goings on in the game on “Here’s a Podcast”.
You can share your thoughts on the second part of the game using the Google Form below, or feel free to post a comment. Remember, we aren’t looking for general thoughts on the game– we want thoughts about this particular section of the game! Play along with us, or go based on memory, but we like depth because we love games. Hooray!
We’ll select a few of your guys’ thoughts to read on the podcast and help spur further discussion, so leave a name and location if you like.
For this week: From the game’s second temple (the sandy place) up through the acquisition of the Master Sword.
Tell us your thoughts with this easy and handy form!
[Feature] WarioWare: Origins
Posted on 10 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in DS, Features, Game of the Month, GBA | 1 Comment
When it was released back in 2003, the first WarioWare title was praised by critics for its innovative manner of transforming a series of minigames into an addictive gauntlet of five-second challenges. The surprise Game Boy Advance hit introduced the world to its unique bite-sized forms of gameplay, a variety of visual styles, a new cast of characters and enka music, but some of its more “innovative” aspects actually originated from earlier Nintendo experiments. It makes sense that a weird game would have a weird history behind it, and in WarioWare’s case it comes from one of the weirdest consoles – the Nintendo 64 Disk Drive.
More: Game of the Month, highlight, Mario Artist, Nintendo 64DD, top, Wario, WarioWare
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 106! (Dr. Mario)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 3 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome to episode 106. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Segment 1, What We Played: The only game we bring up during WWP is Mario Kart 8, and we talk about it for half an hour! Austin thinks he figured out specifically– down to the point by point game design elements– why he finds Mario Kart 8 less intense or engaging than other games in the franchise, and he tries to explain it to the rest of the crew as best as he can.
Segment 2, Book Club: After a lovely commissioned, professional-grade audio clip about our book club, we delve (perhaps TOO deeply) into the first chunk of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Does this game feel less unique than other Zeldas? How does it feel having such a speedy intro without a lot of setup? What’s special about this game? We answer these questions and more!
Segment 3, Listener Mail: Plenty of listener mail to go through this week including a grill session about Monster Hunter 4, a grill session about Jack saying he wishes Wii VC would stretch the old games to fit his TV, lots of nice words, and much more.
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[Feature] The Microgames of WarioWare’s Cast – A look at the style that creates Orbulon, Mona, and more
Posted on 10 years ago by Scott(@UnlikelyYuusha) in Features, Game of the Month | 2 Comments
This week, Scott dives into our Game of the Month with a video about each character in the original WarioWare. Fascinatingly, he tries to pin down the style of each one and their microgames, which lead me to learn that Dr. Crygor’s are definitely my favorite. Nothing can beat that photorealism…
Here’s a question though: Which style of minigame suits you best, and which character’s games do you like the most? Did you ever really notice a difference in style between all the characters?
NintendoEverything Book Club – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, PART 1
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features | 2 Comments
(Well, it’s a little late at night but I think this’ll do…)
Hello all, Austin here. Most of you don’t listen to our podcast, but if you did, you would know that we’ll be restarting the podcast-tied “Book Club” again all about the video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. If you’ve never heard of or participated in a book club, it’s pretty much what it sounds like: We all play a game at sort of the same pace, and every week we discuss in detail that week’s goings on in the game on “Here’s a Podcast”.
You can share your thoughts on the first part of the game using the Google Form below, or feel free to post a comment. Remember, we aren’t looking for general thoughts on the game– we want thoughts about this particular section of the game! Play along with us, or go based on memory, but we like depth because we love games. Hooray!
We’ll select a few of your guys’ thoughts to read on the podcast and help spur further discussion, so leave a name and location if you like.
For this week: From the beginning of the game through the game’s first temple, the Eastern Palace.
Tell us your thoughts with this easy and handy form!
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 105! (Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 4 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Welcome back to episode 105, the episode that makes us all thankful that post-production and editing exists!
For this episode, we have X primary segments:
Segment 1, What We Played: After some talk about Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll, we jump into a few big games that we’ve been playing including the unreleased Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, but Laura also regales us tales of dating ancient Japanese historical figures in Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi for 3DS, and then Austin wraps things up with some talk about the only legitimate criticism anyone could have of Bayonetta 2.
Segment 2, Discussion: After a brief musical break, we come back to discuss some of what went on in the Nintendo Direct this past week, branching off into tangential discussions about relevant games like Majora’s Mask 3D (we talk about whether it was innovative or not) and a full-fledged diatribe about amiibo from Austin! Plus much more.
Segment 3, Listener Mail Grab-Bag: Almost no legitimate questions this week means we end up talking about where we like to shop, whether it’s good to bathe yourself, and how everything is going to be okay in life. Send us discussion questions: nintendoeverythingpodcast at gmail.com.
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[Just a Chat] Nintendo Direct reaction – New 3DS, Fire Emblem, and more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Just a Chat, Videos, Wii U | 1 Comment
NintenDaan joined me to discuss the latest Nintendo Direct. There was plenty to talk about between the New 3DS, a new Fire Emblem 3DS game, and more!
Random note: we did this recording with me having very little sleep under my belt. Actually, I’ve been exhausted these past couple of weeks. So please understand if I come across as a boring mess.
Check out the discussion below:
Nintendo Direct live stream (1/14/15)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, News, Videos, Wii U | 9 Comments
Today’s Nintendo Direct will begin at 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT / 2 PM in the UK (an hour from now). You can watch streams for the North American, European, and Japanese broadcasts below. Note: the North American presentation is 46 minutes long.
I’ll try keeping this post updated in a live blog fashion, but no promises! Actual news posts are top priority. Still, we will definitely have a summary here throughout the Nintendo Direct.
Updates will follow below. Important news will be published on the site immediately.
New Fire Emblem
– Made by Intelligent Systems
– Kozaki Yusuke making designs
– Story by Shin Kibayashi
Puzzle & Dragons Z and Puzzle, Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition
– Coming west, officially
– Out in May as one package
Pokemon Shuffle
– Puzzle game
– Limit on how many moves you can make for each battle
– Free to play
– Out in February
Wii games on the Wii U eShop
– Games supporting the Classic Controller can also be played using the GamePad controller
– Mario Galaxy 2 available today
– Punch-Out!! on January 29
– Metroid Prime Trilogy on January 29
– Will be available for half price for one week after their release dates
– More Wii titles coming to the eShop
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
– Short presentation with gameplay from Bill Trinen
Next Smash Bros. amiibo
– Robin, Lucina, Pac-Man, Wario, Ness, Charizard
– These are out on Spring
Super Mario amiibo series
– Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Toad
– Launches alongside Mario Party 10
– Out March 20 (new amiibo and Mario Party)
– Mario Party 10 works with 9 amiibo
– Special Mario Party 10 bundle with Super Mario amiibo
– In Mario Party 10, use amiibo to unlock themed game pieces and game boards
Captain Toad amiibo supported
– Pixel Toad will be hidden in stages
– March 20 update will add this
– New gameplay and info
– Out in May
Project Treasure
– New Wii U game from Bandai Namco
– Free to download
– Action game
Hyrule Warriors
– New DLC out on February 5
– Tingle, Young Link coming
Xenoblade Chronicles X
– New trailer
– Out on April 29 in Japan
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
– For both Wii U and 3DS
– Cross-buy
– Out March 5
Indie games
– Various titles featured – we’ve covered them before!
– Blek – from Broken Rules and kunabi brother, out February 2015
Story of Seasons
– Out in March
Fossil Fighters Frontier
– Out March 20
New 3DS
– Confirmed for February 13
– XL systems only mentioned for North America
Code Name Steam
– More gameplay and Trinen presentation
– Uses amiibo
– Fire Emblem characters can join your team via amiibo
Smash Bros. 3DS
– amiibo update coming next month
Marth amiibo
– Will be restocked
Ace Combat 3DS game
– Coming west next month
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
– Out in April
– Still alive, coming soon, makes use of the New 3DS
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
– Limited edition New 3DS to be sold at GameStop
Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
– Out in February 13
– Uses the c-stick of the New 3DS
– Pre-order Code Name Steam at GameStop to receive a Majora’s Mask pin
– Special edition Majora’s Mask New 3DS announced
More: highlight, Nintendo Direct, top
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 104! (The Great Reboot)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 6 Comments
(Note: Throughout this podcast I referenced how you can view certain images on your listening device if you’re listening to the “AAC” version of the podcast. That doesn’t work anymore, so I’ve included the images below if you want to see them.)
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Everyone’s favorite podcast that they’ve never listened to has returned for a reboot— a reinvigoration, a reincarnation, a rethinking— of old concepts, with all three crew members recording in remote locations over Skype, rather than in the same room as had become customary.
For this episode, we have three primary segments:
Segment 1, What We Played: Intro discussions about an old NES soccer classic, a bit of complaining about The Sims 4, plus the first ever discussion of Itoi-made curiosity MOTHER 3 on our podcast.
Segment 2, Anecdotes: Jack talks about signing “poop sheets” at work, Laura talks about some weird movie named “Tusk”, and the whole crew gives a quick shout-out to everyone’s favorite Daan man.
Segment 3, Discussion: WarioWare Inc. takes the stage as we talk a whole lot about this classic GBA game and others in the series. In addition to giving our general opinions on the game, we talk about connections this game has to the Gameboy Camera, how we feel the aesthetics are paramount in why this game is so good, and what particular micro-games stand out to us.
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