Level-5 on Inazuma Eleven Ares – platforms explained, more fun for adults, more
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 5 Comments
Level-5 finally confirmed last month that Inazuma Eleven Ares is bound for Switch. In this week’s issue of Famitsu, company CEO Akihiro Hino is interviewed about the game. Hino commented on why 3DS was ditched and Switch was chosen, how there will be more fun for adults this time around, and more.
A number of tidbits from the interview have already leaked from Famitsu, which Gematsu translated. You can find the full roundup below.
More: Inazuma Eleven Ares, Level-5
Rumor: New Layton game next summer, more talk of Inazuma Eleven for Nintendo platforms, Snack World localization
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors, Switch | 19 Comments
The latest issue of License! Global contains a feature about Level-5. Apparently, the magazine has some information about what’s to come for the company.
First, License! Global claims that a new Layton game is planned for late summer 2018. Actual details about the title are not provided.
The magazine goes on to talk about what’s next for Inazuma Eleven – specifically Inazuma Eleven. While it was already pointing in this direction, there’s further talk about the new game coming to Nintendo platforms.
Finally, License! Global indicates that The Snack World will be localized. It sounds like the plan is to bring the IP west starting in 2018 and 2019.
Below are the notable excerpts from the article:
More: Inazuma Eleven Ares, Layton, Level-5, The Snack World, top
Did Level-5’s CEO tease Inazuma Eleven Ares for Switch?
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 17 Comments
Inazuma Eleven Ares was announced during the Level-5 Vision event last year. Since then, we haven’t seen too much of the project. Level-5 has been hosting semi-regular Inazuma Walker live streams, but we really haven’t seen much, especially when it comes to the upcoming game.
Level-5 did host another live stream earlier today. The big news is that the anime has been pushed back to Spring 2018. Originally, it was planned for this summer before being officially announced for October.
Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino also briefly talked about the Inazuma Eleven Ares game towards the end of the stream. In an exchange with the show’s MC, Hino seemed to hint that it will be on the Switch.
Here’s the basic exchange between the two:
More: Akihiro Hino, Inazuma Eleven Ares, Level-5, top
Inazuma Eleven Ares will be on 3DS, also planned for “higher quality game machine”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 8 Comments
When Level-5 announced Inazuma Eleven Ares last year, the company did so without announcing any platforms. But during the fourth Inazuma Walker live stream today, Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino finally shared some news.
Hino said that, in addition to 3DS, Inazuma Eleven Ares will be on some other platform. “It may also release on what you would call a higher quality game machine… perhaps,” Hino teased.
Switch could certainly be one possibility. With Inazuma Eleven Ares featuring toys and Nintendo’s new system having an NFC reader, a release on the new console would make sense.
You can watch the full, three-hour broadcast of Inazuma Walker below, which even includes trailers for The Snack World anime.
More: Inazuma Eleven Ares, Japan, Level-5
Inazuma Eleven announcement event scheduled for September 30
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in News | 1 Comment
Level-5 announced that there will be a live broadcast of Inazuma Eleven information on September 30. The stream will start at 9 PM JST and will be viewable on YouTube and NicoNico. The event will reveal new information about the upcoming game, Inazuma Eleven Ares, as well as discussions with series developers, an announcement about the Inazuma Eleven anime, and a broadcast of the anime’s first episode with commentary. The event will be hosted by Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino and employee Moochan. Inazuma Eleven Ares currently has no announced platforms, although this event could certainly change that.
More: Inazuma Eleven Ares, Level-5
Level-5 CEO on The Snack World, Lady Layton, Megaton Musashi, Inazuma Eleven Ares
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
In a recent issue of Famitsu, the magazine had a massive interview with Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino. The discussion covered the company’s Level-5 Vision 2016 event, plus specific games: The Snack World, Lady Layton, Megaton Musashi, and Inazuma Eleven Ares.
It starts out with Famitsu talking about how there’s a theme each time a Level-5 Vision is held. This time around, it’s “New Heroes”. Hino notes that it’s probably just the company’s usual practice of deciding themes and holding announcement events.
Inazuma Eleven Ares announced without platforms
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
Level-5 announced a new Inazuma Eleven game earlier today as was promised. At its Level-5 Vision 2016 event, the company pulled back the curtain on “Inazuma Eleven Ares”.
Inazuma Eleven Ares takes place after the first game in a parallel world. It stars protagonists Ryouhei Haizaki, Asuto Inamori, and Yuuma Nosaka.
Gematsu has the following overview:
The story revolves around a group of boys living on an island who love to play soccer. Their soccer club is suddenly abolished, and the only way they can regain it is to win the Football Frontier. Protagonist Asuto Inamori and company leave the island for Tokyo to attend Raimon Junior High School and take on the Football Frontier. But their first match is against the number one-ranked Seishou Gakuen.