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NIS America


FuRyu and Lancarse issued a new trailer for Monark today that shows off the RPG’s gameplay systems. Get a look at the video below.

Monark is due out for Switch in Japan on October 14. It’ll be heading west in early 2022.

Disgaea 6 Fuka and Desco

Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny has added two more characters as part of its DLC. Fuka, along with Desco, have both joined the game.

Here’s a trailer for the DLC:

The Caligula Effect 2

While we wait for The Caligula Effect 2 in the west, it recently came out in Japan. In fact, a new feature was just actually added to the game with New Game Plus.

New Game Plus includes:

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie

A new story trailer is in for The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie. For a look at today’s video, continue on below.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie arrives for Switch in Japan and Asia on August 26. The western release will take place in 2023.

Disgaea 6 Valvatorez and Pleinair

Two new characters for Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny have gone live. Players can get their hands on Valvatorez and Pleinair.

Here’s a trailer for the DLC:

The Cruel King and the Great Hero

The Cruel King and the Great Hero, otherwise known as The Wicked King and the Noble Hero, is coming west. NIS America announced today that the RPG is heading to North America and Europe in early 2022.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

The Caligula Effect 2

NIS America has dated The Caligula Effect 2 for the west. It will launch on October 19 in North America and October 22 in Europe. Previously, a vague fall release window had been shared.

Here’s an overview of The Caligula Effect 2:

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

System: Switch
Release date: July 6, 2021
Developer: Falcom
Publisher: NIS America

While the Ys series has had a small but fiercely dedicated following for many years, Ys VIII was something of a turning point. With a shift to a more open world structure and a greater focus on story, as well as porting efforts that saw the game come to numerous platforms including Switch, the game was a success both in terms of sales and increased mindshare for the series. Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is finally here to follow up on its predecessor’s breakout performance, and outside of some technical hiccups, it does so admirably.

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox initially debuted on PS4, but just came to Switch this week. A comparison has now emerged for both versions.

Here’s the full video:

The Silver Case 2425

NIS America has issued a launch trailer The Silver Case 2425, a package for Switch featuring The Silver Case and The 25th Ward: The Silver Case from Suda51. Check it out below.

The Silver Case 2425 is out now on Switch as both a physical and digital release.

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