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Plenty of videos have appeared this weekend comparing Hyrule Warriors Legends to the game on Wii U. Yet another comparison has surfaced, now showing how the title runs on the original 3DS compared to the New 3DS. Unfortunately, the performance takes a bit of a hit on older systems. Check out the full video below.

One of the new elements in Hyrule Warriors Legends is the “My Fairy” system. Fairies are like partners during the game. If you befriend one, it’ll assist you in battle through its special attributes.

In next week’s issue of Famitsu, a download code will be included for players to obtain an exclusive costume. This apparently cannot be acquired through other means. As for the costume itself, it’s based on Ghirahim. It comes with a special skill that increases fairy magic effects, so it might be useful in high difficulty stages.

GameXplain put together another video comparing the two versions of Hyrule Warriors. Below, you can once again see how Hyrule Warriors Legends looks compared to the original Wii U title.

Another video has come in showing the Hyrule Warriors Legends demo in Japan (currently available via QR code). Check out some additional gameplay below.

Curious to see how Hyrule Warriors Legends stacks up to the original 3DS version? Then take a look at the video below, showcasing the opening minutes of gameplay.

TiLMENDOMiNATiON has some footage up of the Japanese Hyrule Warriors Legends demo. View 22 minutes of footage from the download below.

For those that missed out on the news yesterday, a Hyrule Warriors Legends demo is up on the Japanese 3DS eShop. Sort of. The listing is hidden, but if you use a QR code from this month’s issue of CoroCoro, you can download the demo without a problem (see the image below).

Here’s what we know about the demo:

– Initially asked if you want to put easy mode on
– If you choose this, enemies die faster
– Next you pick your controls configuration: Dynasty Warriors or Zelda style
– Legend Mode, Free Mode, Adventure Mode, My Fairy, Gallery, Settings and Downloadable Contents are on the menu
– Cut-scenes aren’t 3D compatible
– For the gameplay, the text boxes have a nice pop-out effect
– Can use the New 3DS C stick for camera control
– Items are shown on the bottom screen
– Trial ends when the Dodongo drops into battle


1,006 free blocks (125MB) are needed in order to download the demo.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

A demo for Hyrule Warriors Legends is on the way to Japan. Actually, those who have picked up this month’s CoroCoro can use a QR code for early access. It’s expected that the download will be available to everyone in the very near future.

Based on early reports, the Hyrule Warriors Legends demo includes the first mission (Hyrule Field). Link, Zelda, and Impa are all playable. The demo can also be started 30 times.

Source, Source 2

A third official gameplay video for Hyrule Warriors Legends has just been published by Koei Tecmo. Yosuke Hayashi, along wigth voice actress Ruriko Aoki, take another look at the title. We’ve gone ahead and posted it below.

Hyrule Warriors Legends was featured on a Denjin Getcha stream earlier today. We captured the segment with gameplay, which you can view below.

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