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PM Studios

A few days ago, a fresh listing for Horizon Chase Turbo appeared on the ESRB even though the game has been available on the eShop for several months. It was a sign that a physical release could be in the works.

As has been speculated, Horizon Chase Turbo is indeed heading to retail. PM Studios and acttil, along with developer Aquiris, have confirmed that the title is going physical. We’ll be seeing it on North American store shelves this spring.

Source: PM Studios /acttil PR

Horizon Chase Turbo is only available as a digital download at the moment. Back in November, Aquiris released its racer on the eShop. But could a physical version be in the cards as well?

A new rating for Horizon Chase Turbo recently appeared on the ESRB website. It’s noteworthy due to the company that’s listed as publisher: PM Studios. PM Studios has brought several eShop-only games to retail, including Voez, Musynx, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, and more. It certainly looks like Horizon Chase Turbo could be one of its future physical releases.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


It was announced last month that Cytus Alpha is hitting Japan on April 25. Today, PM Studios and acttil followed up with some news for the west.

Cytus Alpha, a rhythm game from Rayark, will also be launching this April in the west. A specific date will be shared in the future. That’s not all though, as a physical version is confirmed for North America, and the initial release will come with a special CD that has music from [Chapter Ω].

PM Studios and acttil today officially announced the physical versions of OPUS Collection, WILL: A Wonderful World. We’ve actually known about both for quite some time due to leaks from the ESRB and retailer listings.

We don’t have a specific date just yet, OPUS Collection is planned for April (with a voucher code for a downloadable bonus soundtrack included). WILL: A Wonderful World will follow sometime in May. Pricing is set at $39.99 each.

Source: PM Studios PR

Thanks to a listing on Amazon, we now have the boxart for OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers. View it above.

OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers is coming to retail in early 2019.


WILL: A Wonderful World

WILL: A Wonderful World was given a new rating by the ESRB last month. It was a sign that PM Studios will be bringing the game to retail, though we didn’t have an official announcement. Although that’s still the case, we essentially have confirmation at this point.

Amazon and GameStop have both put up listings for a physical version of WILL: A Wonderful World. Given their track records, it’s safe to say that it’s happening. We just need the news from PM Studios officially – which shouldn’t be too far away.

If Amazon and GameStop are to be believed, we’ll be seeing WILL: A Wonderful World on store shelves in Q1 2019. Both list a tentative March 26 release date.

WILL: A Wonderful World

WILL: A Wonderful World made it to Switch last month. As of now, it can only be found on the eShop. But could we be seeing a physical version as well?

This week, WILL: A Wonderful World received a new rating from the ESRB. It’s noteworthy due to the publisher listed: PM Studios. PM Studios has worked with Circle Entertainment and Flyhigh Works to bring a number of Switch games to retail, including Voez, Deemo, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, and the recently-announced Opus Collection. WILL: A Wonderful World could be next.

It’s worth noting that news about Opus Collection’s physical version originally leaked from the ESRB as well. We could be seeing a similar situation here with WILL: A Wonderful World.


PM Studios and acttil have released a new update for MUSYNX on Switch. Players can access version 1.1.2 as of this week.

The new update addresses a couple of things in particular. First, touch screen bug fixes have been implemented where the right arrow for navigation on the song screen would become un-selectable. Another fix is included as well where the song auto selects when scrolling through the song list.

That’s a small patch, but there’s more to come for MUSYNX. The team says “there’s more awesome stuff” on the way.

Source: Switch news

Following a leak from the ESRB, PM Studios and acttil have officially announced that the OPUS games are coming to retail on Switch as a physical package. OPUS Collection: The Day We Found Earth + Rocket of Whispers are launching on early 2019.

Here’s an overview of both titles:

PM Studios and acttil announced a release date for the physical version of Deemo today. The game will be available in stores starting January 29.

Here’s a brief overview of the rhythm title:

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