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Star Fox Zero

Another Star Fox Zero gameplay clip has come in from GameXplain showing a secret path in Corneria. We’ve posted the video below.

More footage of Star Fox Zero has arrived, this time showing the Aquarosa boss fight. You can watch the latest gameplay below.

We have a couple more videos for Star Fox Zero. You can see more footage from the Fortuna level below as well as an intro comparison with Star Fox 64.

Nintendo has gone live with the Japanese Star Fox Zero website, which is locate here. Some additional footage from the site has been collected below.

Update: Bumped to the top. Yet another video interview is below.

The Completionist recently spoke with Shigeru Miyamoto about all things Star Fox. In the video below, you can listen to him answering several questions about Star Fox Zero as well as the series in general.

The official Japanese website for Star Fox Zero has updated. Included in the update are Miyamoto’s Japanese interview, more shots of the SNES style Arwing, and the opening cutscene (in Japanese), which can be viewed below.


The Game Theorists recently had an opportunity to speak with Shigeru Miyamoto about how Star Fox Zero came to be, the series in general, and more. You can watch the full discussion below.

IGN has another comparison video available for Star Fox Zero. Based on the game’s latest footage, the site puts it up against Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Assault for Corneria and Fortuna.

This information comes from a Nintendo representative…

“Motion controls cannot be entirely disabled in Star Fox Zero, although players will have some options to choose how they are implemented. The game was designed to be played with motion controls, and it would be incredibly difficult to complete certain areas of the game without the independent aiming and flight that they offer.”


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