Super Mario Galaxy receiving DS demake treatment from fans
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Thanks to last year’s arrival of Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Super Mario Galaxy can finally be played in a portable format. But that isn’t stopping a group of fans from demaking the game for older Nintendo hardware.
Jelle, Gericom, Stomatol, and Ermii have come together to port Super Mario Galaxy to DS. It’s all done with a custom engine, though it’s still a work in progress.
More: Super Mario Galaxy
Video: Modder brings Pokemon Diamond/Pearl’s Sinnoh map to Super Mario Galaxy
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch, Wii | 0 comments
Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl have entered the world of Super Mario Galaxy in a rather interesting way. Modder
RiazorMC has ported the Sinnoh map over to the Wii game, complete with the towns and routes the region is known for. Twinleaf Town, the entrance to the Pokemon League, and more are all accounted for. You can even swim in the proper areas.
This is still ultimately Super Mario Galaxy, but with a fixed, top-down perspective like Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. To “complete” the level, you still need to reach the Power Star. In this case though, it’s been swapped out with a Staryu.
Here’s a look at the mod in video form:
Super Mario 3D All-Stars – short clips of gameplay show off Honeyhive Galaxy and Ghostly Galaxy
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo’s official Japanese Twitter page has shared a couple clips of gameplay from Super Mario 3D All-Stars showcasing Super Mario Galaxy. The two clips are both about 30 seconds and show Mario in Honeyhive Galaxy as a bee and Ghostly Galaxy as a ghost.
Digital Foundry tests Super Mario Galaxy running on Nvidia Shield
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Since March, Super Mario Galaxy, Punchout!!, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are available on the Nvidia Shield – however, only in China. This caused quite a bit of speculation since the Tegra chip used in the Nvidia Shield is similar to the one used by Nintendo Switch systems. Whether or not this means that HD re-releases of Wii games could be coming to the Switch at some point in the future is uncertain, but their performance on the Nvidia Shield does give a rough estimate on what they would look like on the Switch. In fact, this is exactly what the tech experts at Digital Foundry did – they looked at the Nvidia Shield version of Super Mario Galaxy and analyzed its technical performance.
You can watch the full analysis in the video below, but the gist of it is that the emulation technology used is quite impressive and that clearly a lot of work was put into this port, even if it can’t get around all the hurdles of it originally being a game on 12-year old hardware.
More: Nvidia, Super Mario Galaxy
How Super Mario Galaxy’s new NVIDIA Shield port adjusts the motion and pointer controls
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
When Super Mario Galaxy came to Wii, the game had its fair share of nontraditional controls. For instance, to perform the spin move, you needed to shake the Wii Remote. You also had to point the controller to certain places on screen to collect Star Bits.
Super Mario Galaxy launched for NVIDIA Shield in China a few days ago, and as we know, the device doesn’t feature motion controls. So how were the adjustments made here?
To spin, you now simply just need to press the X button. Also, the pointer is mapped to the right control stick. As one other final note, the A button when choosing a galaxy has been bind to RT instead of A.
More: Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy celebrates its 10th anniversary
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 38 Comments
Super Mario Galaxy is celebrating a milestone anniversary today. The game originally debuted on Wii ten years ago in Japan – November 1, 2007 – with the overseas release taking place a couple of weeks later.
I personally have fond memories of Super Mario Galaxy. It was one of the earliest games we covered on the site, and it’s right up there for me as one of my favorite games of all time. I remember going into it without being overly interested, only to end up being completely blown away.
Do you remember what it was like playing Super Mario Galaxy all of those years ago? Let us know!
More: Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy’s clever way of repurposing a signpost
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Wii | 27 Comments
Good Egg Galaxy is one of the very first areas players encounter in Super Mario Galaxy. Towards the start of the level, players can encounter a door to receive some advice. You stand in front of it to make a “Read” icon appear, and then press “A” to have a message displayed.
Tumblr page “Supper Mario Broth” uncovered a bit of craftiness Nintendo used here. Players are actually interacting with a signpost through the door, meaning Nintendo repurposed the sign for new functionality. By doing so, the developers didn’t have to create a readable door object from scratch. We’ve seen this sort of thing in other games before, but it’s interesting to see it here as well!
More: Super Mario Galaxy
Video: Super Mario Galaxy completed with a DDR dance pad
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Random, Videos | 27 Comments
YouTube user PeekingBoo has managed to complete Super Mario Galaxy with a Dance Dance Revolution dance pad. It’s the latest title he’s finished with the peripheral, with others including Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and more.
PeekingBoo told Game Informer the following about preparing for Super Mario Galaxy:
“Super Mario Galaxy at the time was notorious for changing the way 3D Mario games were previously played by introducing motion controls, intuitive camera movements and aspect of gravity changes on oddly shaped objects. All of these aspects work well together when coupled with the free movement of a thumb on the analog stick and sitting still in the comfort of a chair, however on a dance pad every one of these gameplay innovations directly work against the player. Moving too much can result in involuntary Wii Remote Shakes, my general body movement makes it hard to point at the screen and I had to resort to strapping the thing to my arm because it proved to be a better solution than holding it in my hand.”
You can see PeekingBoo taking on the final Bowser fight below.
More: fan video, Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy Wii U footage (Wii download)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 6 Comments
Super Mario Galaxy made its way to the North American Wii U eShop this week as the latest Wii download. View some footage of the game below.
More: Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy hitting the North American Wii U eShop tomorrow (Wii download)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 18 Comments
Super Mario Galaxy is coming to the North American Wii U eShop tomorrow as a Wii download, Nintendo’s website has revealed. The game will be available for $19.99.
Here’s an overview of Super Mario Galaxy:
“Become Mario as he traverses gravity-bending galaxies, traveling in and out of gravitational fields by blasting from planet to planet. Control Mario with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Power-up to reach inaccessible areas. Collect Star Bits to either stun enemies or feed Lumas.”
An ESRB rating for Super Mario Galaxy recently popped up on the ESRB, hinting at an upcoming release. The game’s sequel has been out on the Wii U eShop since January.