Japanese Xenoblade Chronicles 3D introduction video #2
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in New Nintendo 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Pokemon Rumble World rated in Australia – new game?
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
An interesting title entered the Australian classification database today. Something known as “Pokemon Rumble World” has been rated, which I don’t believe is a game that already exists.
Unfortunately, the entry doesn’t provide much information, but Ambrella is listed as Pokemon Rumble World’s developer. Ambrella worked on previous entries in the Pokemon Rumble series. There also appears to be online interactivity of some sort.
We’ll keep you updated as we learn more about Pokemon Rumble World.
More: Australia, Pokemon Rumble World, top
DeNA on the need to begin its Nintendo partnership with the right game, Big N’s IP strength, not too late with mobile, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 8 Comments
GamesBeat spoke with DeNA West CEO Shintaro Asako following Nintendo and DeNA’s business and capital alliance announcement today. Topics included how talks between the two sides evolved, the need to kick off its partnership with the right game, the strength of Nintendo’s IPs, how it’s not too late for the company to enter the mobile market, and plenty more.
We’ve rounded up Asako’s various comments below. Be sure to check out GamesBeat’s full post here.
More: DeNA, interview, Shintaro Asako, top
Nintendo and DeNA business and capital alliance announcement – full presentation
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 1 Comment
Final comments from Iwata on Nintendo’s alliance with DeNA
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Generally speaking, an alliance is an approach that aims to realize certain objectives by leveraging the strengths of the other party in areas where each company could not easily succeed by itself. In that sense, there is a large significance in these two companies with different strengths working together, and so that we can review this business alliance in the medium to long term, we decided to make the capital alliance as well.
Lastly, allow me to add some final comments to express my aspirations for this alliance.
Many content providers who are succeeding on smart devices are depending on single hit titles. One of my goals here is, now that we are challenging ourselves with this endeavor by making use of Nintendo IP, to produce multiple hit titles at an early stage after we start releasing our software on smart devices.
Also, until now, when we said, “platform,” it meant a specific video game platform. Now that we are going to release games on smart devices and make use of globally widespread PCs and smart devices for our new membership service, we would like to offer more consumers with software that is suited to their tastes. In other words, we are challenging ourselves to redefine what “Nintendo platforms” mean.
With this collaboration with DeNA, a partner with different strengths, we aim to achieve this goal as soon as possible.
DeNA on its relationship with Nintendo
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Some may think the two companies’ corporate cultures don’t really match, but it’s rather the opposite. We have been able to advance the alliance project with compassion and mutual respect for the other company’s strengths. By forming a joint team consisting of Nintendo and DeNA members, I firmly believe we will be able to create major synergies and deliver compelling products with new value to our customers.
Our new business alliance, as Iwata-san discussed earlier, consists of two parts. One is to jointly develop and operate gaming apps that use Nintendo IP, for smart devices. The other is to build together Nintendo’s new online membership service.
In addition to the business alliance, we also formed a capital alliance where both companies own part of each other’s stock. Under the alliance, both companies will share each other’s unique know-how, and this allows for a firm, long-term relationship.
There are a few other reasons why we also entered into a capital alliance. We want to scale our business alliance on a long-term basis rather than short. Additionally, we plan to pursue other opportunities to enhance both companies’ corporate value without limiting our joint efforts just to the new alliance. So please stay tuned to both companies for more news in the future.
Lastly, I want to make a comment as a fan of games. I grew up playing Nintendo games, and I’m already excited that I will soon be able to play Nintendo IP games on smart devices.
At DeNA, we are aware that Nintendo has been the most beloved company in the gaming console space for quite a while. As such, I would like us to be a team that delivers the best games that truly delight our customers.
Thank you.
Iwata teases new membership service from DeNA
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo, together with DeNA, will jointly develop a new membership service which encompasses the existing Nintendo 3DS and Wii U systems, the new hardware system with a brand-new concept, NX, and smart devices and PCs, and Nintendo will be the primary party to operate this new membership service. Unlike the Club Nintendo membership service that Nintendo has been operating, the new membership service will include multiple devices and create a connection between Nintendo and each individual consumer regardless of the device the consumer uses. This membership will form one of the core elements of the new Nintendo platform that I just mentioned.
More: DeNA, Satoru Iwata, top
Iwata teases new Nintendo platform codenamed “NX”, news next year
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch | 67 Comments
While this is not something directly relating to the collaboration that we have announced today, here is one thing I would like to mention to avoid any misunderstandings.
Nintendo has decided to deploy its video game business on smart devices but it is not because we have lost passion or vision for the business of dedicated video game systems. On the contrary, now that we have decided how we will make use of smart devices, we have come to hold an even stronger passion and vision for the dedicated video game system business than ever before. Nintendo has made this decision because we have concluded that the approach of making use of smart devices is a rational way for us to encourage even more people around the world to recognize the great value of the wonderful game software available on our dedicated game systems.
As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename “NX.” It is too early to elaborate on the details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you next year.
More: Satoru Iwata, top
Iwata says all Nintendo IP will be considered for smart device software
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
As for which Nintendo IP will be used, we do not intend to make any exceptions. Potentially, any Nintendo IP could be used in our smart device software. On the other hand, as I just said, games on smart devices require ever-evolving services rather than just being a finished product. A combined effort will be necessary to operate them. People’s attention would only be dispersed if we simply increased the number of the titles we simultaneously released, and we could not expect to expand our business. Accordingly, we will narrow down the titles for development and operation to some extent.
Please also note that, even if we use the same IP on our dedicated video game systems and smart devices, we will not port the titles for the former to the latter just as they are. There are significant differences in the controls, strengths and weaknesses between the controllers for dedicated game systems and the touchscreens of smart devices. We have no intention at all to port existing game titles for dedicated game platforms to smart devices because if we cannot provide our consumers with the best possible play experiences, it would just ruin the value of Nintendo’s IP.
And, if I can talk a bit further about our game development plan, we will continue doing our best to develop dedicated game titles for our dedicated game hardware platforms just as we have been doing. For smart devices, even in the case where we utilize the same IP, we will create completely new game software that will perfectly match the play styles of smart devices.As for the details of the game applications for smart devices, we will make the announcements on other occasions. I hope you will look forward to our future announcements.
More: Satoru Iwata, top
Iwata on Nintendo’s relationship with DeNA
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This collaboration will create the best prospects for both DeNA and Nintendo.
Just as I explained to you today, Nintendo’s unique strength lies in its IP, which is appreciated by consumers on a global scale.
DeNA’s strength is its world-class Internet service construction and operating know-how.
Nintendo and DeNA will jointly develop and operate gaming applications for smart devices in global markets.
With this alliance, new entertainment that utilizes Nintendo’s IP will be provided globally via smart devices.
Needless to say, now that we are challenging ourselves in this new business area, we hope that hundreds of millions of people will use and enjoy these products.