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Unfortunately, Steep no longer appears to be happening on Switch. The official Twitter account responded to a fan asking about the game’s status on Nintendo’s console, stating that development has stopped “to focus on bringing new live content and challenges to Steep players instead.”

Here’s the tweet in question:

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Ubisoft announced that Child of Light – as well as Valiant Hearts – are coming to Switch before year’s end. That gave developer Patrick Plourde a chance to show off the game running on Nintendo’s system in portable mode. Yet there’s something else in the photo that has piqued the interest of fans.

If you look towards the right, you can clearly make out something that reads “Light II”. There also appears to be “of” right before that. Putting everything together, this would have to be Child of Light II.

Like with all speculation, you do have to take this with a grain of salt until there’s an official announcement (assuming one is coming). If Child of Light II does exist, you’d have to think it’d be on Switch – especially since Ubisoft is bringing back the first game on the console in just a few months.


A short while ago, Ubisoft announced that Child of Light and Valiant Heart are coming to Switch. The company has since put out an official notice with details on what fans can expect from the Switch releases.

Here’s the full PR:


Ubisoft announced its lineup for Gamescom 2018 today. Starlink: Battle for Atlas, Trials Rising, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Skull & Bones, The Division 2, and Anno 1800 will all be playable.

Other games like Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Just Dance 2019 will be represented as well. Ubisoft is planning presentations for these two titles, with Mario + Rabbids’ Donkey Kong expansion receiving the spotlight.

Gamescom 2018 runs between August 21 and August 25.

Source: Ubisoft PR


A decade ago, Ubisoft released Sports Party on Wii. That game – or some form of it – now looks to be making a comeback on Switch.

Sports Party was rated for Switch in Australia today, though we don’t have further details. Again, it’s unclear if this is more along the lines of an updated port, or something else entirely.

On Wii, Sports Party featured nine sports mini-games with three difficulty levels. It made use of the Wii Remote’s motion controls way back in the day.

Earlier this week, Ubisoft launched the new Bring The Crunch DLC for South Park: The Fractured But Whole. View the first 15 minutes below.

The Bring the Crunch DLC is out now for South Park: The Fractured But Whole. We have an official trailer from Ubisoft promoting the new content below.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

South Park: The Fractured But Whole has received a new update on Switch. Version 1.03 is out now for all players.

This week’s update tackles a number of issues. We’ve included the full patch notes below. 

Ubisoft has dated the next piece of DLC for South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Bring the Crunch, featuring a new story campaign and “Final Girl” superhero class, launches July 31.

Here’s an overview along with a few screenshots:

South Park: The Stick of Truth

South Park: The Stick of Truth is coming to Switch, Ubisoft has announced. The game will release digitally on the eShop by September. Ubisoft confirmed the news in its latest financial report today.

Ubisoft published South Park: The Fractured But Whole on Switch earlier this year. The Stick of Truth, which had not been available on a Nintendo platform previously, was the title that preceded it.

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