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Ubisoft has set a new record with Watch Dogs pre-orders.

The game, set to be released later this month, is now the most pre-ordered new IP in Ubisoft’s history and the second-highest pre-ordered Ubisoft game ever. If that wasn’t enough, Watch Dogs is the most pre-ordered new IP in the entire industry this year as well.

Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Ubisoft, commented:

“These strong pre-orders are a clear indication of players’ anticipation and excitement for Watch Dogs. The teams have worked tirelessly to ensure that players will enjoy a top quality game with enormous scope, and we can’t wait to get the game into their hands.”

Gamestop pre-order sales data indicate that Watch Dogs “is the highest pre-ordered next-gen title to date and most pre-ordered new IP of the year.”

GameStop senior vice president of merchandising Bob Puzon said:

“There is massive buzz in all of our stores around Watch Dogs. Based on the current level of customer pre-orders we have received, Watch Dogs is the highest pre-ordered next-gen title to date and most pre-ordered new IP of the year.”

Source: Ubisoft PR

Ubisoft’s E3 2014 media briefing is set for June 9 at 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET, according to the expo’s official Twitter account. You’ll be able to watch the event on


Watch Dogs will be available on most platforms later this month – except for Wii U. Ubisoft hopes to ship the Nintendo version of the game later this year.

While speaking with Red Bull Games, Watch Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin shared a new status update about the Wii U version of the game. He told the site that Ubisoft is now “fully focused” on finishing the project and the company is “making sure it gets the attention it deserves to make it the best version it can be.”

Morin’s comments in full:

“Right now [the Wii U version is] currently being done, but I’m not directly involved. We wanted to finish all the platforms that we are currently shipping. We needed those guys to get [the shipping versions] finished, and the good news now is that they’re all fully focused on the Wii U version, making sure it gets the attention it deserves to make it the best version it can be.”

Source, Via

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