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The new trailer from Spike Chunsoft and Acquire features father and daughter pair Gunji Dojima and Nanami Dojima. The duo introduce the game’s swordplay action, sword upgrades, prostration, multiplayer, and more. 

Katana Kami: A Way of the Samurai Story arrives worldwide on Switch on February 20.



New Heroes Rath, Leila, Nils, and Fiora from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade have arrived for summon. There are new story maps in Book IV, Chapter 4: On Dark Wings, and a Log-In Bonus where you can earn up to 13 orbs.

Forging Bonds: Study in Crimson is here. Grow close to the event Heroes to get accessories, First Summon Tickets, and a conversation featuring Leila, Nils, and others. You can also earn 2 Orbs once per day for up to 7 days.

Day 16 of the 3rd anniversary event features Heroes from Bound Hero Battle: Ishtar & Reinhardt. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs, per usual. You can also challenge these heroes in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Ishtar & Reinhardt.

Lastly, it’s time for the Brace phase in Mjölnir’s Strike. Build structures and place allies on the map to strengthen your defenses before the next onslaught.


The Dream Summon Special is available in the shop as of Feb. 16, 10 PM PT. Plaeyers can purchase this pack for 1,200 diamantium to get one Tenfold Summon Voucher and one adventurer or dragon of your choosing, including 5★ adventurer Kirsty.

Additionally, Ezelith’s and Orion’s limited-time stories were added to the Valentine’s Confections story event revival at the same time. Players can go experience those stories now.

Nintendo Switch

In a news article posted by Bloomberg, Nintendo discussed the possibility of a worldwide shortage of Switch consoles, stating the following:

“We do not see any major impact on the shipment to the U.S. currently, but we will remain vigilant and take steps if necessary,” a Nintendo spokesperson told Bloomberg News. “It’s possible the supply would be affected by the virus if it becomes more widespread and prolonged.”

As of now, Switch shipments for February and March have already been dispatched from Asia, but its definitely possible we may see some shortages in the future if the virus outbreak continues.


Pokemon Home

A 25MB update has been released for both iOS and Android, bringing the version number of Pokemon Home up to 1.0.4 for all users. No real patch notes have been released, with the version history merely mentioning “bug fixes.” We do hope that this helps with the app’s stability for players who have experienced crashes.

The Wii U sees another title join its library today from Ultra Dolphin Revolution. Per a PR email received by GoNintendo, we have the details about the title below:

Ultra Dolphin Revolution has released “Space Hunted: The Lost Levels” for the Wii U via the Nintendo eShop.We still love You!

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Ultra Dolphin Revolution!

To celebrate, we’re giving a console that deserved more love with Space Hunted: The Lost Levels, which is available now in North America, Europe, and Australia for the price of $3.99/ € 3.59.

Ultra Dolphin Revolution is an independent game developer primarily focused on Nintendo consoles. We have developed “Shadow Archer” for Wii U and are currently working on “Real Men Use Items!” We’re a proud, independent developer that engages with Nintendo fans and the retro gaming community. Visit us at and our social media pages and


The Dragalia Lost team has shared this special artwork, wishing their players a lovely holiday. Here’s what they have to say:

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s an illustration from the Dragalia Lost art team of Melody celebrating! Today is this accident-prone maid’s time to shine. Will she be able to safely share her feelings?

From Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, a lord and his retainer return in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Hector & Matthew. Players can face high-difficulty maps and complete Bound Hero Party quests. This duo is also found as part of Day 13 of the anniversary event’s summon focus along with Serra — the first summon will be orb-free.

Mjölnir’s Strike: Rest period is now active. Battles have come to a close…for now. Don’t forget to collect your rewards if you played. Use the downtime to improve Midgard’s Shield and strengthen the Heroes on your defensive team.

Hall of Forms has arrived. Strategize and guide Forma units through the Hall of Forms. Clear a map once a day to earn Orbs or Dragonflowers for up to seven days.
This event’s Forma:
・Sigurd: Holy Knight
・Quan: Luminous Lancer
・Eldigan: Lionheart
・Lewyn: Guiding Breeze

As a gift to all players, the new Sync Pair of Professor Oak & Mew is available to all players in Pokémon Masters. With this, almost 100 special missions have been added in order to get items to power up Professor Oak. These missions can be taken on to power up Mew for a limited time.

“The Strongest There Is” story event is also now live. This event features Steven with his partner Pokemon Metagross. Steven & Metagross are also now available through a special Spotlight Poké Fair Scout.

New limited-time wyrmprints were added to the lineup in Treasure Trade on Feb. 13, 10 PM PT. Some previous limited-time wyrmprints have also been permanently added to the lineup.

The story event revival, Valentine’s Confections, has now begun. Collect the event items, ravishing roses, and trade them for event-exclusive wyrmprints and other rewards.

The Dulcet Delights summon showcase has also begun. Appearance rates are increased for adventurers and dragons, such as the 5★ adventurer Valentine’s Melody and 5★ dragon Epimetheus. Take a look at the trailer for this showcase below:


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