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Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang appeared at CES 2017 this weekend, and while the main topics of the keynote were not Nintendo related, he briefly did touch on the Switch when asked if it connected to their AI endeavors:

Nintendo Switch is a game console. It’s very Nintendo. That entire experience is going to be very Nintendo. The beauty of that company, the craft of that company, the philosophy of that company—they’re myopically, singularly focused on making sure that the gaming experience is amazing, surprising, and safe for young people, for children. Their dedication to their craft, that singular dedication, is quite admirable. When you guys all see Switch, I believe people are going to be blown away, quite frankly. It’s really delightful.

Source, via

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Hex Heroes has been in development for a while, and while the developers have noted that they have had trouble developing both the combat and the Wii U version, they now have footage showing off both running well. In the same post, they also note that they will discuss more about a potential Switch version after this week’s presentation.


Koi, a calm exploration game, will be arriving on the Wii U next week. The game is being ported by Circle Entertainment. The game will cost $3.99.


Capcom has released the final round of free DLC for Monster Hunter Generations. This pack doesn’t feature any new costumes, but it does bring a host of challenges for expert players to tackle. Read the full list of DLC after the break:

The YouTube page for the upcoming Switch event is now up, although the stream has obviously not started yet. The page does note how long until the event starts, though, so if you want a gentle reminder of the hype, look no further.

The Switch event is fast approaching, and Nintendo has started getting ready with a streaming site and an official Twitter for the event. You can check out the site here and the Twitter account here. The Twitter will include updates on wait times for booths and ticket availability.

The weekly Pokemon Shuffle update has hit, bringing a competition against Mega Mewtwo X, as well as chances to catch Salamence, Lugia, and a host of daily Pokemon. The notable Mega Mewtwo X competition will let players try to earn some Mewtwonite X by landing a high score in the competition. It runs until January 10, and the prizes are listed below:

  • Mewtwonite X, 5 Raise Max Level, 5 Mega Speedup: Top 200 EU/300 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 4 Raise Max Level, 4 Mega Speedup: Top 500 EU/700 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 3 Raise Max Level, 3 Mega Speedup: Top 1,000 EU/1,500 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 2 Raise Max Level, 2 Mega Speedup: Top 2,000 EU/3,000 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 1 Raise Max Level, 1 Mega Speedup: Top 4,000 EU/6,000 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 1 Mega Speedup, 1 Skill Booster M: Top 6,000 EU/9,000 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 1 Disruption Delay, 1 Exp. Booster L: Top 9,000 EU/13,000 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 1 Disruption Delay: Top 12,000 EU/18,000 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 1 Attack Power, 1 Disruption Delay: Top 16,000 EU/24,000 NA
  • Mewtwonite X, 1 Attack Power: All other players
  • A new stage has begun for Salamence, as well as returns of Lugia and Daily Pokemon (#4). That last stage features Wynaut, Torkoal, Zangoose, Luvdisc, and Seviper, alternating on a daily basis. Salamence will be around until January 10, while the other two stages will run until the 17th.


    Game Center DX held an episode featuring Pokemon Sun and Moon a few weeks ago, and now the show is continuing its adventures in the Alola region. You can watch it below:

    Super Mario Run will eventually be coming to Android devices, and now Android users can be notified of when the game becomes available. You can visit the Google Play store here to pre-register.

    Multiple 3DS themes footage

    Posted on 8 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

    A couple of new 3DS themes hit Japan earlier, and while Nintendo’s YouTube only uploaded footage of the Pokemon themes, Nintendaan has compiled footage of the whole bunch. It includes Pokemon, SEGA 3D, Osomatsu-san, Dragon-ball Super, Kunio-Kun, and Megami Meguri. Check it out below:


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